Timothy Zahn Star Wars - vol. 2: Dark Force Rising
Dark Force Rising moves with the speed of light, across a dazzling landscape of galactic proportions, from world to world, from adventure to adventure, as Good and Evil clash across the vastness of space 'a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...' Five years after the Return of the Jedi, the fragile Republic that was born with the defeat of Darth Vader, the Emperor and the infamous Death Star stands threatened from within and without. The dying Empire's most cunning and ruthless warlord - Grand Admiral Thrawn - has taken command of the remnants of the Imperial fleet and launched a massive campaign aimed at the Republic's destruction. With the aid of unimaginable weapons Thrawn plans to overwhelm the New Republic, and impose his iron rule throughout the Galaxy. Meanwhile, dissension and personal ambition threaten to tear the Republic apart. As Princess Leia - pregnant with Jedi twins - risks her life to bring a proud and lethal alien race into alliance with the Republic, Han and Lando Calrissian race against time to find proof of treason inside the highest Republic Council. But most dangerous of all is a new Dark Jedi, risen from the ashes of a shrouded past, consumed by bitterness, and thoroughly, utterly insane...
Język: angielski Oprawa: miękka Liczba stron: 406 Stan książki: używana, db (podniszczona oładka)

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