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The best Online adaptation yet of Days of Wonder's best-selling train game, Ticket to Ride takes less than one minute to learn but a lifetime to master.
With tension building at every turn, it's definitely NOT your Father's train game!
Play Solo or Online. With over 30,000,000 games played Online, and a new game starting every 4 seconds on average, Ticket to Ride is the ultimate online board game experience.
It's not just exciting – it's addictive!
By the makers of Ticket to Ride for iPad, winner of the Pocket Gamer Awards 2012 for Best iPad Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year; Small World for iPad, winner of the Pocket Gamer Awards 2011 for Best iPad Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year; and Memoir ’44 Online, the World War II turn-based classic available as a free download on Steam.
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