sygnatura Used between 1908 and 1939. Mark re-registered at the R.W.Z.R. under №·419·522 on June 6th 1930.A ponieważ nasze półmiski i miski są bogato złocone- wiemy, że są sprzed 1935 roku- od kiedy Hitler zakazał zdobienia porcelany metalami szlachetnymi ze względu na oszczędności wojenne.
Piękna surowa forma bez reliefów i ozdobników- art deco- klasyczne proporcje- w tym czasie bardzo nowoczesne naczynia – w kontrze do bogatych zdobień secesji i lat 20tych…
Bardzo ciekawa dekoracja- kwiaty uległy kubistycznej transformacji kolorystyka impresjonizmu – pomarańcze i żółcie… Na owe czasy- ta zastawa była nowoczesna i awangardowa…
Doskonała fabryka- Thomas- kupiony 10 lat wcześniej przez Rosenthala- w tym czasie dysponował najnowocześniejszymi technologiami i maszynami…
W skład serwisu wchodzą:
1. Sosjera wysokość 10 cm miska długość 21 cm szerokość 10,5 ; podstawa długość 21 cm szerokość 15 cm
2. Mały półmisek z uchwytami głębokość 2,5 cm długość 25,7 cm szerokość 14 cm
3. Średni półmisek owalny głębokość 2,7 cm długość 28,5 cm szerokość 18,4 cm
4. Duży półmisek owalny głębokość 3 cm długość 33,6 cm szerokość 21,7 cm
5. Dwie kwadratowe miski salaterki małe wysokość 5 cm ; 18x18cm
6. Dwie kwadratowe miski salaterki duże wysokość 6 cm ; 24 x 24 cm
Złocenia misek poprzecierane – ale nie w rażący sposób- sosjerka i półmiski znacznie mniej.
Razem 8 pięknych stylowych naczyń będących ozdobą środka stołu.
Germany / Bavaria / Marktredwitz:
The first porcelain factory in the town of Marktredwitz opened in the year 1872 and was known under the name of Porzellanfabrik Jaeger, Thomas & Co. until Fritz Thomas decided to quit in 1898 and open his own factory in 1903. Jaeger of course continued business as 'Porzellanfabrik Jaeger & Co.' and both companies later became famous, each with their own range of products.
[1] : Porzellanfabrik Thomas & Ens (1903 until 1908)
It should be mentioned that before Thomas actually decided to leave the company he had intensive talks with his new partner Ens to avoid the problems he had encountered during his time with Jaeger, who had a totally different opinion regarding certain product lines. Ens however was not interested in actually taking up an active part in running the business as he was more like an investor that also carried a well-known name. Based on the ideas Thomas introduced, success was nearly instantaneous and the new company quickly caught the attention of the 'Porzellanfabrik Ph. Rosenthal' company in Selb.
[2] : Porzellanfabrik Thomas (1908 until 1960)
Partner Ens quit out of the company at the end of 1907 which enabled the 'Rosenthal AG' to advance to major shareholder in 1908; since then, the 'Porzellanfabrik Thomas' has been run as an independent subsidiary of Rosenthal. Official records regarding the number of workers employed show a number of 400 for the year 1913, a number that greatly increased until 1930 (1,000 workers) but dropped down again before 1937 as only 750 workers were registered in that year.
Between 1959 and 1960 production of Thomas items was transferred to a new site named 'Rosenthal A.G., Werk Thomas am Kulm' located in Speichersdorf (Upper Franconia) while the factory in Marktredwitz for the next few years continued to produce technical ceramics following the internal restructuring program of Rosenthal production.
[3] : Krister Porzellan-Manufaktur A.G. (1965 until 1971)
After five years of working with ceramics the factory in Marktredwitz was once again fully activated as the Rosenthal group found another use for it. Following the loss of the Rosenthal-owned original Krister Porzellan-Manufaktur A.G. factory in Waldenburg (Silesia) after World War II the group had built a replacement factory in Landstuhl (Rhineland-Palatinate) during 1952/53. This factory was by now not working efficiently anymore and as the location in Marktredwitz had a better infrastructure it was decided to move the factory to Marktredwitz in 1965. But the name of the great former Silesian enterprise was discontinued in 1971 due to 'organizational reasons' and the factory finally closed down even though the brand and trademarks were still kept active until the year 2004 before Rosenthal finally had the trademark registrations for all of the Krister marks erased.