Thomas Bewick (1[zasłonięte]753-18) was the foremost wood
engraver not only of his generation, but of all
subsequent generations, and the quality of his work has
remained unsurpassed. His extraordinary woodcuts of
animals and birds made him famous, and he dramatically
influenced the development of the illustrated book in
both England and America. Yet Bewick was no isolated
creative genius toiling in an artists atelier, but a
trade engraver in the heart of the city of Newcastle
upon Tyne, working at the very moment when the
Industrial Revolution was beginning to change the world.
His was an exceptional artistic talent, yet his trade
engraving shop was tasked with similar commissions to
those offered to hundreds of other similar businesses
the length and breadth of the kingdom, catering for
their local customers. Bewicks own talent, however,
meant that he approached the trade commissions with his
own particular flair and originality, creating many
commercial works that are very little known. The British
Museum holds an unrivalled collection of Bewicks works,
including those from his commercial ventures, and this
book celebrates the skill of the artist by presenting
sixty engravings, some never published before, and by
offering a historical perspective. Bewick made important
but even today often unrealised contributions to the
development of what we would today call graphic design.
From the Victorian times onwards, his work was often
separated from his commercial world and he was regarded
as an artist-naturalist rather than the artist-craftsman
he actually was. This book takes an original approach by
addressing this balance for the first time, and places
Bewick at the centre of English commercial life in the
eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. |