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Thom Hartmann: Beyond Add: Hunting for Reasons in

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Untitled Document

Kubuk oferuje duzo wiecej ksiazek
w jezyku angielskim!

Beyond a Master
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ABC Railway Depots
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Beyond Add: Hunting for Reasons in the Past and Present
Thom Hartmann

Stan: VeryGood. Co to znaczy?
ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]74241
Ile stron: 233
Okladka: Paperback
Rok wydania: 1[zasłonięte]996-08
Rozmiar: 19.8x13.7x1.5
Waga: 294.9g

Though little is known about the condition itself, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is becoming a part of American household vocabulary. Thom Hartmann was one of the pioneers of ADD research. With his previous books he has shown how individuals with ADD are not just "hyperactive" or "easily distracted, " but actually possess highly adaptive, entrepreneurial skills - traits which served ancient hunters but which meet with resistance in modern agrarian societies. Beyond ADD deepens the discussion by showing how different people with the same diagnosis can exhibit different behaviors, ranging from hyperactivity to being withdrawn, from forgetfulness to being obsessively hyperfocused. He explores possible genetic origins and discusses how ADD-related traits may have served to further human evolution. He spotlights how modern life might contribute to ADD, from toxic environments that neurologically damages fetuses to nutritional deficiencies, a quick-fix consumer culture, and overpopulation. He documents the difficulties gifted children encounter in an educational system that does not stimulate them, and the hardships for visual learners in an auditory environment. As he discusses brain chemistry and physiology, he examines the pros and cons of the controversial drug Ritalin.

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