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The Welcome
Visitor: Living Well, Dying
Well |
DETAILS: Author: John
Humphrys Language: English Publisher: Hodder Paperbacks Publication
Date: 21 Jan
2010 Dimensions: 1.9 x
13.2 x 19.9 cm Format: Paperback Pages: 288 Condition: NEW Product_ID: AC4A9BC784
Death is a subject modern society shies away
from. Even doctors avoid the word. But if we regard
death as a failure in our desire to prolong life, can we
ever arrive at a humane approach to those whose lives
have lost meaning? Are we keeping people alive simply
because we can? Here, John Humphrys and his co-author
Dr Sarah Jarvis take a wider look at how our attitudes
to death have changed as doctors have learned how to
prolong life beyond anything that could have been
imagined only a few generations ago, and confront one of
the great challenges facing the western world
today. There are no easy answers but the first step
must surely be to accept that death can be as welcome as
it is inevitable.
wysyłamy w ciągu 5-7 dni roboczych.