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The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader C.S.Lewis Narnia

04-03-2012, 16:11
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Koniec: 11-03-2012 10:44:43

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Stan: Nowy
Okładka: twarda
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The Chronicles of Narnia

The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader




oprawa twarda


ilość stron:248


Once aboard the magnificent ship Dawn Treader, Edmund and Lucy are reunited with their old friends Caspian, the young King, and Reepicheep, the daring Mouse. They embark on a banished during the dark rule of Caspian's evil uncle Miraz. Unforseeable adventures and dangers await them as they sail farther and farther from charted waters toward the "utter East" that Reepicheep has dreamed of since his youth. It is there he hopes to find the mystical home of Aslan, the majestic Lion and King and Lord of all Narnia



UWAGA!!! Książka nowa, posiada drobne uszkodzenie rogów