We live in an age of paranoia, bombarded daily by
the media about the dangers of infectious microbes and
viruses that threaten our very existence. The
pharmaceutical and biotech industries insist that we are
in a continuous state of war with our microbes and we
have to protect ourselves with their elaborate weapons
of microbial destruction. But do we really need them?
Each of our bodies is teeming with trillions of microbes
and viruses. Many of them are normal lifetime residents
that do us no harm. In fact, some of them are essential
to our health. Microbes and viruses were on the planet
long before humans appeared, and we must learn to live
in harmony with them. Recent research, with the aid of
sophisticated gene, sequencing technology and improved
methods of laboratory cultivation, has revealed that
each of our bodies is teeming with trillions of microbes
and viruses. Many of them are normal lifetime residents
that do us no harm, and in fact some of them are
essential to our normal health. They provide us with
essential nutrients and other benefits. In addition the
human genome itself contains sequences of numerous
ancestral viral genes, although we don't understand the
significance of this. When we do encounter potentially
dangerous microbes or viruses, through our air, water
and food, they are usually taken care of by our
multifunctional defense system, which surveys incoming
organisms chemically to determine if they are compatible
or not. Those that are unacceptable are subjected to a
barrage of antimicrobial and antiviral cells and
molecules, including immune responses. However if our
state of health is compromised, and our microbial flora
become unbalanced as a result of stress, antibiotics, or
environmental influences, or the occasional over -
reaction on the part of our defense system leading to
inflammation, we can think about turning to
"alternative" medicine, such as herbal preparations, for
help. Unfortunately very few of these alternative