Przedmiotem aukcji jest: THE TWILIGHT ZONE Complete Seasons 1-52
Quantity: 28
Format: 28 DVD, Wide Screen, Region 0
Additional Attributes: DVD Box
Sound: English (Dolby Digital)
Subtitles: English
Release date:
Notes, bonus:
Unlock the door to another dimension with the fifth and final season in Rod Serling's classic series charting the outer reaches of The Twilight Zone. EPISODES: In Praise of Pip - Steel - Nightmare at 20,000 Feet - A Kind of a Stopwatch - The Last Night of a Jockey - Living Doll - The Old Man in the Cave - Uncle Simon - Probe 7, Over and Out - The 7th Is Made Up of Phantoms - Ninety Years Without Slumbering - Ring-A-Ding Girl - You Drive - The Long Morrow - The Self-Improvement of Salvadore Ross - Number Twelve Looks Just Like You - Black Leather Jackets - Night Call - From Agne, With Love - Spur of the Moment - An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge - Queen of the Nile - What's in the Box - The Masks - I Am the Night, Color Me Black - Sounds and Silences - Caesar and Me - The Jeopardy Room - Stopover in a Quiet Town - The Encounter - Mr. Garrity and the Graves - The Brain Center at Whipple's - Come Wander with Me - The Fear - The Bewitchin' Pool SPECIAL FEATURES: Stunning Brand-New Transfers! Remastered from new high-definition film transfers using the original camera negatives and magnetic soundtracks. Commentaries and Interviews featuring Mickey Rooney, Martin Landau, Michael Constantine, Bill Mumy, Carolyn Kearney, Mariette Hartley and Earl Hamner, Jr. Excerpt from Rod Serling's Sherwood Oaks College lecture Highlights from the Museum of Television and Radio seminar * The Art of Editing - Season 5 Billboards and Photo Gallery
Covers: nowy w folii
Disc: nowy w folii
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CD, DVD vinyle 7" - przesyłka ekonomiczna: 7zł
CD, DVD, vinyle 7" - przesyłka priorytetowa: 8zł
Winyle 10",12" - przesyłka ekonomiczna: 11zł
Winyle 10",12" - przesyłka priorytetowa: 12zł
Zestawy, Boxy: od 12zł
Przesyłka kurierska: 19zł
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