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04-02-2014, 19:30
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 90 zł     
Użytkownik akuczkowski
numer aukcji: 3927200493
Miejscowość koszalin
Wyświetleń: 6   
Koniec: 04-02-2014 19:09:57

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 2.50 [kg]
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1920
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
Tematyka: Wielkie wojny, kampanie, bitwy
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

The Times History of the War (TOM 21).

Publikacja wydana w Londynie w roku 1920

Zbiór artykułów publikowanych w dzienniku The Times na temat przebiegu pierwszej wojny światowej. Artykuły te ilustrowane są kilkuset, wysokiej jakości, zdjęciami czarno - białymi (sceny z frontu, z zaplecza wojskowego, prezentujące dole i niedole ludności cywilnej).

Niniejszy tom zawiera teksty z końcowego okresu wojny.

Stan książki jest bardzo dobry (okładka skórzana).

Podzielono je na 16 rozdziałów:

Rozdział 1.

The Navy's Work Completed

- Survey of the See War;- German's false Reckoning;- Loss of Her Oversea Squadrons and Colonies;- Adoption of Submarine War on Commerce;- North Sea Episodes;- Jutland. A Decisive Victory;- Allies Navies in the Adriatic;- Naval and Military Cooperation;- The Navies' Share in the Enemies' Collapse;- Internment of the Hostile Fleets;- Historic Surrender of the German Navy in the North Sea, November 21, 1918;- Scuttling of the German Ships at Scapa;- King George's Tribute to His Fleet;

Rozdział 2.

Fisherman and the War

- The Hazards of Mines;- Demobilizaing Fishing Vessels;- An Admiral's Tribute to Fshermen. Stories of Heroism and Resource;

- The Restriction of Fishing Areas;- Abnormal Earings;- A Great Change at Billingsgate;- Imperfect Statistics;

Rozdział 3.

Auxiliary Patrols

- Small Craft and their Personnel;- The Queen Alexandra;- The Dover Patrol;- The North Channel Patrol;- The Plan of Patrolling;- Motor Launches;- Organization of M. L.'s;- The Hydrophone;- A Seaplane Attack;- The Black Deep;The Longing for the "Old Game";

Rozdział 4

The American Campaign 1918

- Cantigny Action;- Belleau Wood;- Battle of Chateau Thierry;- Marne Defences;- Soissons-Marne Offensive;- Marne-Vesle Advance;- American Cross the Ourucq;- Juvigny;- St. Mihiel;- Abgonne-Meuse Drive;- Kriemhilde Line;- Beginnings of the End;- Situation at Armistice;

Rozdział 5

British Mission in America

- Development of Departamental Missions;- Mr. Balfour's Visit;- Co-Ordination into British War Mission by Lord Northcliffe;

- Some Functions of the Mission;- Lord Reading's Appointment;- American Financial Assistance;- Munitions and Food;- The Shipping Problem;- British Publicity Work;

Rozdział 6

Work of the Mercantile Marine

- Organization in 1918;- Transport of American Troops;- Tonnage Statistical Position;- Measures Taken to Maintain Essential Imports;- Shipping Assistance for the Allies;- Effect of the Armistice;- Repatriation of Troops;- Reduction of Freights;

- Demobilization of Shipping;- System of Voyage Licensing;- Ships Built to Order of the Government;- Disposal to the Shipping Industry;- Shipping Losses of the Maritime Nations;- The United States Development;- Tributes to the Mercantile Marine;- The Thames Pageant;- War Records of Representative Ownerships;

Rozdział 7

Island Transport

- Its Growth;- Works in France and Flanders;- British Barge Work;- The Mystery Fort;- Straightening a River;- Beating the U-Boat;- Our First Sea Train-Ferry;- Battlefield Salvage;- The King's Interest;- I. W. T. in Mesopotamia;

Rozdział 8

The British Share in the Peace Conference

- Assembling of the Conference in Paris;- The British Delegation;- Representation of the Dominions;- The Disosal of the German Colonies;- The System of Mandate;- Establishment of the League of Nations;- Military, Naval, and Air Terms;

- Indemnities and Reparation;- M. P.'s Telegram to Paris;- Prime Minister's Return and Defence in the House of Commons;

- The Indemnities Settlement;- The International Labour Convention;- Question of the Trial of the Kaiser;- Signature of the Treaty;- Peace Celebrations;- Reward for Victorious Commanders;

Rozdział 9

The United States at War: the End

- American War Effort;- Reaction to German Offensive of 1918;- Increased Transport of Troops;- Assistance to Allies in Money and Food;- Munitions, Equipment, Aeroplanes, Ships;- Government Criticised;- Labour Problems;- Publicity Campaigns;

- Republican Criticism of the President;- The General Election;- Republican Victory;- Mr. Wilson Goes to Paris;- Attacks on the Peace Treaty and the Covenant;- Internal and World Problems;- Allien Populations;- German and Irish Intrigues;

- Tendency Towards a Return to Isolation;

Rozdział 10

Armies of Occupation

- The Advance to the Rhine;- The French in Alsace-Lorraine;- Marshal Petain's Entry into Metz;- Kingg of the Belgians in Antwerp;- Feeling in Luxembourg;- Rejoicing in Brussels;- French Enter Strassbourg;- German Army's Reception in Germany;

- Belgians in Aix-La-Chapelle;- Allied Zones of Occupation;- American in Treves;- German Attitude;- British Reach Cologne;

- Bridgeheads on the Rhine;- French enter Mayence;- General Fayolle's Speech;- Administering the Occupied Districts;

Rozdział 11

The Collapse of Germany

- Effects of the Blockade;- Ukrainian Food Supplies;- War Loans and National Credit;- Submarine Failures;- Socialism in the Army;- Moral Weakening of the People;- Lich-Nowsky Memoir;- Herr von Kuhlamann and the Peace Offensive;- Fall of von Kuhlmann;- Admiral von Hintze Foreign Minister;- A Ministry of Failure;- Effect of the Battle of Amiens;- Prince Max Chancellor;- Socialistic Participation;- Effect of Cambrai;- Main Headquorters Demands Peace;- The Fourteen Points;

- Socialists Impatience;- Abdiction of the Kaiser;- The Armistice;

Rozdział 12

The New German Regime

- Effects of the Armistice;- Occupied Germany;- Spartacist Policy;- The People's Commisaries;- Soviet or Reichstag?;

- Congress of Councils;- Question of Federation;- Spartacist's Riots;- Murder of Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg;

- National AssemblyElections;- The New Constitution;- Peace Resolution;- German Delegation to Paris;- Scene at the Trianon;- Scheidemann's "Unaccetable";- German Counter-Proposals;- A Comparision;- Question of War-Offenders;

- Allie's Concessions;- Erzberger Behind the Scenes;- Fall of the Scheidemann Cabinet;- Herr Bauer Gives Way;- Peace Signed;- What Germany Lost;

Rozdział 13

British Propaganda in Enemies Countries

- Propoaganda at War as Theory and in Operation;- German Activities;- Early British Propaganda Work;- Welington House;

- The Departament of Information;- The Formation and Scope of the Ministry of Information;- Viscount Northcliffe Becomes Director of Propaganda in Enemy Countries;- Operations against Austria-Hungary, Germany and Bulgaria;- Methods of Distribution of Literature;- Tributes to Lord Nortgcliffe's Work from Hindenburg, Ludendorff, and the German Press;

Rozdział 14

France and the Peace Conference

- Internal Politics of France in 1917-8;- The Poistion of M. Clemenceau;- France and the League of Nations;- Analysis of the Covenant;- France's Demand for Security;- The Military Terms;- The Arrangements in the Saar Valley;- Economic Guarantees;- The Freedom of the Seas;- Ratifications Exchanged;- The American Senate's Amendments;- Motives of American Critism;- Lord Grey's Letter to "The Time";

Rozdział 15

The Settlement in Eastern Europe

- Allied Policy toward Russia;- The Bullitt Mission;- Prinkipo;- Mr. Lloyd George's Views;- The Poles and Danzig;- The Baltic States;- The Territorial Changes in Austria-Hungary;- Reparation and Disarmament;- The Bolshevist Revolution in Buda-Pest;

- The Adriatic Problem;- D'Annunzio's Raid on Fiume;- The Bulgarian Treaty;

Rozdział 16

The Break-Up of Turkey

- Beginnings of Turkish Nationalism;- Mustafa Kemal Pasha;- His Supporters;- His Methods;- The Caliphate Agitation;

- The Break-Up of Turkey;- British Administrations;- Palestine;- Mesopotamia;- Results of Delaying the Settlement;

- The French in Syria;- Arab Nationalism;- The French in Cilicia;- Turks and Armenians;- The Greeks in Anatolia;- Islam and Bolshevism;- Allied Occupation of Constantinople;- The Treaty of Peace;- Partition of the Ottoman Empire;- Economic Control of Turkey;- The Commission of the Straits;- Enforcement of the Conditions of Peace;