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The Shrine of Czestochowa Jasna Góra

14-03-2015, 20:42
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Koniec: 14-03-2015 19:02:09

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The Shrine of Czestochowa Jasna Góra
ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]55303
Wymiar: 23.5x30.0cm
Nr wydania: 1
Ilość stron: 320
Rok wydania: 2008
Wydawca: Biały Kruk
Stan: Nowa
Rodzaj okładki: Twarda z obwolutą
Autor: Waliczek Bogdan

Opis książki

Jasna Góra: the place in Częstochowa, the place
in Poland, where – to quote the most insightful remark of Henryk Sienkiewicz – “the undying heart of the Polish people is beating”. The monastery and the sanctuary but also the fortress that the enemies of faith and the Polish nation did not manage to conquer.
Besides this, the main seat of the Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit, known as the Pauline Fathers. For over six centuries have they cherished the Image of the Blessed Virgin, famous for its blessings. Every year, a few million pilgrims arrive before the Black Madonna of Częstochowa, with Popes, heads of state, unknown pilgrims of various background among their number. They all come to Her in search of consolation or deliverance. And how often do they receive it! It is the Black Madonna of Częstochowa who the Polish nation loves and has chosen its Queen.
This book shows and describes Her house in Jasna Góra.
What is this house like? A beautiful one and full of prayer. Economical and hospitable. Patriotic and unflinching. One where sanctity and art have merged into an ideal community.
Thus it emerges here: an eminent work of the arts of photography and editorship. This book is published on the 700th anniversary of founding the Pauline Order, which – though it germinated in the Hungarian soil – took roots and grew in the Polish soil to the like of the ancient oaks. Thank you, dear Fathers and Friars, for the centuries of care over
Our Lady! Let this book commend us all to Her grace.
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