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The Sherlock Holmes
School of Self-defence: The Manly Art of Bartitsu: As
Used Against Professor
Moriarty |
DETAILS: Author: E. W.
Barton-Wright Language: English Publisher: Ivy Press Publication Date:
23 Jun 2011 Dimensions:
18 x 11.4 x 1.8 cm Format:
Hardcover Pages: 128 Condition: NEW Product_ID: 19A7CCB731
When Sherlock Holmes wrestled with Dr Moriarty on thh
Reichenbach Falls, he was employing a system of
self-defence that was all the rage in Victorian Britain.
In an age when footpads and fogle-snatchers meant a man
of breeding took his life in his hands when walking
across town, a martial arts craze took hold that did not
escape Conan-Doyle's keen eye for research. Schools
sprung up all over London, chief among which was E.W.
Barton-Wright's "Bartitsu" method. The Sherlock Holmes
School of Self-Defence commemorates Barton-Wright's
exploits and the fighting techniques of the famous
sleuth himself (though Conan-Doyle mischiveously spelled
it Baristu). Learn how to defend yourself with an
overcoat, cane, or umbrella, or even to wield your
bicycle against an attacker. Wonderful illustrations
based on original photographs instruct the reader in
skills that range from the sublime to the
elementary. |
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