Title: The Pet Poets Club (Marc Todd)
Description: "The Pet Poets Club" is a brand new collection of hilarious poetry written by pets! Read about the adventures of a showbiz Chihuahua, the worries of a mouse with a very full house, or a cat reflecting on which is his favourite roast dinner. Until recently, it was assumed that the Pet Poets Club was a myth - but now, after years of painstaking research, its location has been discovered by Marc Todd. After much negotiation, Marc has been given access to the club and to the pets that congregate within to enchant, inform and entertain each other with their poetry. Marc has also been given permission by the Pet Poets Club to share their vibrant and artistic verse with you. This is poetry which gets to the very heart of what it means to be a pet. Volume one of "The Pet Poets Club" contains 34 poems from dogs, cats, birds, goldfish and mice, as well as a whole host of other pets. Beautifully designed with 64 pages of high quality full colour photography and graphics - this is book is a 'must have' for pet lovers of all ages.
Język: angielski Oprawa: twarda Liczba stron: 64 Stan książki: używana, dobry
Symbol kategorii: DB Kryteria oceny stanu książek wg kategorii podane są na stronie o mnie.
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