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19-10-2014, 17:03
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Cena kup teraz: 164.13 zł     
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numer aukcji: 4623137684
Miejscowość KONIN
Wyświetleń: 4   
Koniec: 19-10-2014 16:44:42

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Stan: Nowy
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inne aukcjestrona o mniedodaj do ulubionych sprzedawców
dane kontaktowe
  • jeśli masz conajmniej 5 punktów w Allegro
  • jeśli adres wysyłkowy jest taki sam
    jak adres z ustawień Allegro
  • jeśli komentarze kupującego są tylko pozytywne
  • jeśli wartość zamówienia (bez kosztów wysyłki) przekracza 20 zł
The Pentangle: The Time Has Come (digibook) [4CD]
rok wydania:
Lista utworów
1. Mirage from The Pentangle - Pentangle
2. Waltz from The Pentangle - Pentangle
3. Poison from 1967 debut recording session * - Pentangle
4. Travelling Song Single A-side - Pentangle & Side
5. Forty-Eight from Sir John Alot - Pentangle & Eight From Sir John Alot
6. Koan Alt. Take from The Pentangle sessions * - Pentangle
7. In Your Mind BBC session 1968 - Pentangle
8. Sovay BBC session 1968 - Pentangle
9. In Time from Sweet Child - Pentangle
10. Sweet Child from Sweet Child - Pentangle
11. The Trees They Do Grow High Alt. Take, from Sweet Child - Pentangle
12. Moon Dog from Sweet Child - Pentangle
13. Light Flight from Basket Of Light - Pentangle
14. Once I Had A Sweetheart from Basket Of Light - Pentangle
15. I Saw An Angel Single B-Side - Pentangle & Side
16. Springtime Promises from Basket Of Light - Pentangle
17. Cold Mountain Single B-Side - Pentangle & Side
18. Train Song from Basket Of Light - Pentangle
19. Hunting Song BBC Session 1969* previously unreleased - Pentangle
20. Lord Franklin from Cruel Sister - Pentangle
21. Jack Orion Instr. edit from Cruel Sister - Pentangle
22. Cruel Sister from Cruel Sister - Pentangle
23. Helping Hand from Reflection - Pentangle
24. Faro Annie from Faro Annie - Pentangle
25. Reflection Alt. Take, from Reflection * - Pentangle
26. So Clear (aka John's Song) Alt. Take, from Reflection * - Pentangle
27. The Snows from Solomon's Seal - Pentangle
28. Jump Baby Jump from Solomon's Seal - Pentangle
29. Yarrow from Moonshine - Pentangle
30. Tam Lin from the film Tam Lin * - Pentangle
31. The Best Part Of You from the film Tam Lin * - Pentangle
32. Green Willow from The Lost Sessions* previously unreleased - Pentangle
33. Waltz - Pentangle
34. Way Behind The Sun - Pentangle
35. The Time Has Come - Pentangle
36. Let No Man Steal Your Thyme - Pentangle
37. So Early In The Spring - Pentangle
38. Hear My Call - Pentangle
39. No More My Lord - Pentangle
40. Three Dances:(a) Brentzal Gay(b) La Rotta(c) The Earle Of Salisbury - Pentangle
41. Market Song - Pentangle
42. Bruton Town - Pentangle
43. A Woman Like You - Pentangle
44. No Exit - Pentangle
45. Haitian Fight Song - Pentangle
46. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat - Pentangle
47. Bells - Pentangle
48. John Donne Song - Pentangle
49. Watch The Stars - Pentangle
50. Turn Your Money Green - Pentangle
51. Travelling Song - Pentangle
52. Pentangling Aberdeen Music Hall - Pentangle
53. Sally Go 'Round The Roses From The Two Brewers - Pentangle
54. Sarabande From The Two Brewers - Pentangle
55. Sally Free And Easy From The Two Brewers - Pentangle
56. Wondrous Love Journey Into Love - Pentangle
57. Sweet Child Journey Into Love - Pentangle
58. Willy O'Winsbury Set Of Six - Pentangle
59. Rain And Snow Set Of Six - Pentangle
60. No Love Is Sorrow Set Of Six - Pentangle
61. Wedding Dress RTBF TV - Pentangle
62. The Furniture Store from the film Christian The Lion - Pentangle
63. Christian The Lion from the film Christian The Lion - Pentangle
64. Reflection RTBF TV - Pentangle
65. People On The Highway RTBF TVPENTANGLE - Pentangle
stan produktu:
Produkt ORYGINALNY. Płyta zupełnie NOWA. (w przypadku konieczności zabezpieczenia dysku przed wypadnięciem folia fabryczna zostaje zmieniona)
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