Yunas Samad's trenchant analysis of contemporary
Pakistan features five main players: the people, the
army, the Islamists, the politicians and the Americans.
His book explains how a series of alliances borne of
political and strategic expediency between the US and
the military, between these parties and the Afghan
mujahidin, and between various Pakistani politicians and
some or all of the above - have continually undermined
the state to the extent that its very existence is now
in jeopardy. Much of the country is now under the de
facto control of an indigenous, 'Pakistani', Taliban,
whose writ is extending to Swat, Punjab and Sind along
with its traditional bastion in the North West Frontier.
Yet even in this parlous situation Pakistan's military
and intelligence apparatus continue to be obsessed with
waging a proxy war against India, whether in Kashmir or
Afghanistan, at the expense of their own state's
stability, while some elements now, paradoxically, see
American influence in Afghanistan as a greater threat to
Pakistan than the traditional foe across its eastern
border. These high stakes contests for strategic and
political power have also harmed Pakistan's economy,
argues Samad, impoverishing many of its people while the
military 'state within a state elite' benefits from
American largesse and a tiny business elite enjoys the
rich pickings of the of neo-liberal policies enacted at
the behest of the World Bank and other international
agencies. In conclusion Samad returns to his key themes:
explaining how ordinary Pakistanis have been ignored by
the country's military and civilian rulers, how their
material circumstances have steadily deteriorated over
the last twenty or more years and how grand strategic
designs fashioned in Islamabad and Washington continue
to undermine political life and have ushered in forms of
Islamist and sectarian politics that were largely
unknown in Pakistan.