The Mauser Parabellum 1930 – 1946
Analysis of a Million Luger Pistols
By Don R. Hallock & Joop van de Kant HAND SIGNED BY BOTH AUTHORS 704 pages on A4 format 110 gram MC paper. Hardcover, 1.200 full color pictures.
Early 1930, due to a reorganization of the German DWM arms conglomerate, the production of the famous Parabellum pistol went to Mauser Werke A.G. in Oberndorf. During the first few years sales were very low; Mauser had received enough spare parts from DWM to assemble all pistols needed.
When the Nazis took power, things changed quickly. As from April 1934, Mauser received the exclusive right to produce the P.08 pistol for the German Army, Navy and Police. At the end of 1942, when the P.08 was eventually replaced by Walther’s P.38, almost one million Luger pistols had left the Mauser factory.
This book describes in great detail Mauser’s methods of production and the various proof- and acceptance stamps which were applied by the German Army and Police. Between 1930 and 1940 Mauser sold also some 11.500 Parabellum pistols to armed forces in eight countries. Each of these contracts have a chapter in this book, giving not only the properties of the pistols, but also a short historical background. A final chapter is dedicated to the production of 3.000 pistols under control of the French Army in 1945/46. The authors could lay hands on hundreds of yet unpublished documents, such as handwritten notes from August Weiss (foreman of the DWM and Mauser pistol production) and many of Mauser’s sales and stock statistics that were previously believed to be lost.
This book is a tutorial for the starting collector. It has also many new facts and evidence for the dedicated advanced collector of Mauser’s Luger pistols. A must-have for the Parabellum student.
Książka jest nowa (minimalnie zagięty narożnik-transport), format A4.