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The Last Remnant (Xbox 360)

14-02-2015, 23:11
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Cena kup teraz: 232.99 zł     
Użytkownik linguashop_pl
numer aukcji: 4998353009
Miejscowość Gryfino
Wyświetleń: 11   
Koniec: 14-02-2015 22:43:53

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Stan: Nowy
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The Last Remnant (Xbox 360) 232.99 zł

  • Data premiery: 2[zasłonięte]008-11
  • Producent Gier: Square Enix


Platform: Xbox 360

Great Games and Accessories for the Xbox 360 from Gamesbuyer.

Manufacturer's Description


In ancient times, mysterious artefacts referred to as Remnants were discovered all over the world. Offering incredible power, they soon came into the hands of the covetous few, and thus was the world's delicate equilibrium shattered. The people were divided into those who ruled and those who were ruled over. War was inevitable. Our story begins a thousand years later...

Rush lives with his sister Irina on secluded Eulam Island, a place far removed from the ceaseless battle for control over the Remnants which rages on the mainland. However, his peaceful life is shattered one day when he witnesses his sister's abduction by a mysterious group of soldiers. He immediately sets off after them, ill-prepared for the evils of the outside world but determined to find his sister at any cost.


THE LAST REMNANT is a brand-new adventure from SQUARE ENIX. Benefiting from the finest creative talent and the latest technological advances, it is set to raise the bar in next-gen gaming. With graphics powered by Unreal Engine 3 and an innovative battle system, THE LAST REMNANT's simultaneous worldwide release will mark the beginning of a new era for SQUARE ENIX.


Rush Sykes
Male mitra. 18 years old
It's useless. He plays by his own rules.

Raised on Eulam Island, far from the power struggles for Remnants, Rush lives a peaceful life with his sister Irina. When she is taken away by a mysterious group of soldiers, he goes after her. Rush is an affectionate young man who wears his heart on his sleeve. Nothing is more important to him than family - and thus he is dedicated to taking care of his sister.

Irina Sykes
Female mitra. 14 years old
I'll be fine! After all, we'll be back with Mom and Dad!

Irina and her older brother Rush both live on idyllic Eulam Island, until she is suddenly kidnapped by a mysterious group. At first glance, Irina seems like your average teen, but she is able to stay cheerful and upbeat even through the toughest times. Some mysterious power seems to rest within her, but she herself has no understanding of what it is, or what it can do.

The Conqueror
Race/Age: Unknown
Terrible things are all the more necessary to remember.

His origins shrouded in mystery, the man known only as The Conqueror suddenly emerges to seize Remnants throughout the lands. His ruthless nature is predicated in the garb he dons, as legend has it that its crimson hue is the splattered blood of his victims.

David Nassau
Male mitra. 19 years old.
Remnants may bring suffering, but I will live with it, just as my father did.

At the tender age of 19, he rules over the state of Athlum. Hoping to gain independence from his sovereign state of Celapaleis, he spends his days working towards bettering his land. He is generally calm and collected - as a marquis should be. Despite his privileged birth, he participates in battles with the Remnant Gae Bolg at his side. David joins Rush in his quest, though his motives are his own.

Emma Honeywell
Female mitra. 41 years old

One of the Four Generals of Athlum, Emma is the matriarch of the Honeywells, a clan that has served Athlum for many years. A brave warrior, she leads troops into battle with courage and vigour. She is always trying to better herself and others, while continually striving for justice. Despite her stern exterior, she is a strong maternal figure to David, and looks after him as if he were her own son.

Male sovani. 200 years old

One of the Four Generals of Athlum, Torgal is of the sovani - a four-armed race with a long lifespan. This race generally shuns outside contact, making it unusual that Torgal would work for Athlum, especially in such a prominent position. Considered leader of the Four Generals, his intelligence can make him seem slightly conniving. His past experiences have made him strong, but at the same time have left him emotionally detached from others.

Male yama. 24 years old

One of the Four Generals of Athlum, Blocter is from the large, powerful yama race. Although he looks ferocious, Blocter is very kind-hearted. He grew up with David, and constantly worries about the pressure put on him as the marquis. Blocter has vowed to spend his life working for this man he considers family. Being as young as he is, he tends to act without giving much thought to his actions.

Male qsiti. 55 years old

One of the Four Generals of Athlum, Pagus is a qsiti - a race of small beings. The main voice of the Four Generals, he excels at gathering information. Generally calm and reserved, it takes a practised eye to tell that he is also the generals' backbone. An ardent history lover, he spends his spare time paging through books and other materials. To his dismay, few are eager to listen and converse about the subjects he is most fond of.

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