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The Iron Cross First Class

25-06-2012, 5:41
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Koniec: 13-07-2012 21:35:29
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The Iron Cross First Class


by Dietrich Maerze and George Stimson


The most comprehensive and detailed book yet written
about the German Iron Cross First Class (EK 1) decoration
of 1939. On hundreds of pages you will find information about the history of the award, its manufacturing process, award procedures, and, most importantly, precise data, photographs, and scans which will enable the collector or student of this famous and prestigious emblem of honor to positively identify genuine pre-1945 produced examples. The wartime products of over twenty manufacturers of crosses and Wiederholungsspangen are described in meticulous and thorough detail. The book also contains chapters on miniature versions of the award, presentation cases, and award documents.

- 608 Pages

  1. - 1,500 Color Photos

  2. - ISBN No. 1-9[zasłonięte]32970-7

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