Conformation concerns body structure and anatomy. In
this comprehensive volume, Heather Smith Thomas explains
how conformation relates to function and what to look
for when evaluating a horse. She teaches the reader to
see beyond a horse's physical beauty to identify
desirable attributes and potential faults, and with
copious illustrations and explanations, trains the eye
to recognize the hallmarks of soundness, durability,
trainability, and athletic potential. Thomas begins with
an in-depth discussion of equine anatomy and the
importance of balance and proportion. She also explains
how to detect ''heart,'' that indefinable quality that
distinguishes a horse from his peers and compels him to
excel. The book concludes with real-world applications
of the principles of good conformation, including
helping a horse succeed by matching him with the right
job, and what the conformation of the aging horse can
tell you. Horses with good conformation move fluidly,
experience less wear and tear on joints, and are more
apt to stay fit and sound during a long life of
service.Whether you're buying your first horse, choosing
breeding stock, or simply want to learn more about your
help you understand horses better than ever
before. |