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Paczkomaty InPost


The Hellfire Chronicles: Blood in the Skies




Author: G. Falksen
Language: English
Publisher: Wildside Press
Publication Date: 5 July 2011
Dimensions: 1.5 x 15 x 22.5 cm
Format: Paperback
Pages: 266
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: 14C44CB084



Praise for Blood in the Skies:
"This is steampunk clanking to life on the page."
--Jay Lake, Campbell Award winner and author of Mainspring
“G. D. Falksen’s witty, anachronistic, and downright fun writing style makes him a storyteller to watch.”
--Terrance Zdunich, creator of REPO! The Genetic Opera and The Molting
"A piston blast of pure pulp adventure."
--John Leavitt, author of Dr. Sketchy's Official Rainy Day Colouring Book and Scarlet Takes Manhattan
"A rousing adventure filled with a wealth of imagery, action and technological wonders."
--Chet Phillips, award winning illustrator and digital artist
“G.D. Falksen is not only one of the most important authors in Steampunk literature, he is arguably the most enjoyable.”
--Art Donovan, author of The Art of Steampunk
"A delightfully crunchy alternate reality that lets you feel the gears grinding."
--Phil Foglio, creator of the Hugo Award winning Girl Genius
In 1908, the world ended in fire.
Humanity, always bad at following orders, refused to die. Now, two hundred years later, what remains is divided between civilized order and lawless frontier. For the citizens of the Commonwealth, the brave pilots of the Air Force are all that stand between them and the dreaded pirate lords of the Badlands. For generations, the two forces have struggled back and forth in an endless cycle of invasion and reprisal. Now that is about to change, and flying ace Elizabeth Steele is about to find herself dragged into a web of intrigue aimed at the downfall of the civilized world.
Nothing that a clever girl with a trusty aeroplane and a charming spy at her side can't handle.
The first book of The Hellfire Chronicles, Blood In The Skies by G. D. Falksen is a fast-paced and gorgeously illustrated steampunk adventure story set in a world of excitement, danger, and aviation. Join Wing Commander Steele of the Commonwealth Air Force as she battles mysterious assassins and bloodthirsty pirates bent on delivering a doomsday weapon into the hands of a madman.




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