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The Gospel According to The Da Vinci Code

19-01-2012, 19:19
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Koniec: 19-01-2012 16:42:14

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Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
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The Gospel According to The Da Vinci Code

The Truth Behind the Writings of Dan Brown

Kenneth Boa & John Alan Turner


Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code is the bestselling hardcover adult novel of all time. A well-told story for sure, and yet the "everything you know may be wrong" worldview it supports is anything but well-founded. Such thinking is comparable to the age-old heresy of Gnosticism. And although that spiritually murky practice has been refuted throughout the history of Christianity, and many of Brown's literary sources are proven frauds, many people are still reading his books to become "enlightened." Boa and Turner challenge the revisionist church history philosophies behind the blockbuster book. It also looks at Brown's other writings to form a clearer picture of the worldview that guides his work, why that mentality is so popular today, and what the modern church must do in earnest response.

Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 164

Vendor: B & H Publishing Group

( Kod Leonardo Da Vinci )