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Tytuł oryginalny: Good Wife, The
Tytuł polski: Żona Idealna
Rok produkcji: 2009
Kraj: United States
Obsada: Julianna Margulies, Chris Noth, Matt Czuchry, Josh Charles, Christine Baranski, Archie Panjabi, Graham Phillips, Makenzie Vega, Mary Beth Peil, Titus Welliver

Po kompromitacji przez publiczny seks i korupcję swojego męża polityka, który trafia do więzienia, Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies) musi utrzymać rodzinę. Dzięki przyjacielowi powraca po 13 latach do zawodu prawnika i zaczyna pracować w prawniczej firmie w Chicago.

The US TV schedules have never been shy of legal thrillers, and at first glance, The Good Wife is the kind of show that might easily blend into the crowd. And yet is has some key assets in its corner that lift it into something altogether more interesting. The key asset to The Good Wife is Julianna Marguiles in the lead role of Alicia Florrick. Not long after we meet her, we discover that her life has been blown apart by the actions of her husband. Thus, in the middle of her life, she has to restart her career as a junior at a law firm, where she finds herself competing against the younger, fresher graduates. It's an interesting dynamic, and one that's strengthened enormously by some terrific writing and thoughtful cases. For it's the storytelling that's the other main strength of The Good Wife, and that's likely to keep you gripped right the way through this maiden season. Granted, there's a feeling that it often covers ground that many shows have got to before. Yet The Good Wife puts a strong enough spin on the formula to emerge as a quality TV show in its own right.
After being publicly humiliated by her husband's sexual and political scandal, Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies) tries to pick up the pieces of her shattered life by returning to her former career as a defence attorney. She lands a position as a junior associate at a prestigious Chicago law firm, but soon learns that she will have to battle with other 20-something recruits to land the one and only full-time associate position. Is there life after humiliation? Alicia Florrick is determined to get past her past and make it on her own.
Golden Globe and SAG Award winner Julianna Margulies plays Alicia Florrick, the resilient wife of a disgraced State's Attorney. After her high-profile husband's political and sex scandal, Alicia takes the reins of her family and her life. While raising two teens, she pursues her original career as a defence attorney - a path she gave up when she became a politician's wife. Joining her former law school classmate's firm, Florrick's litigation skills are put to the test as she re-enters the courtroom after thirteen years and faces cutthroat 20-something rivals. Alicia is determined to build a new beginning for herself and her children...one case at a time. Episodes Comprise: 1. Pilot 2. Stripped 3. Home 4. Fixed 5. Crash 6. Conjugal 7. Unorthodox 8. Unprepared 9. Threesome 10. Lifeguard 11. Infamy 12. Painkiller 13. Bad 14. Hi 15. Bang 16. Fleas 17. Heart 18. Doubt 19. Boom 20. Mock 21. Unplugged 22. Hybristophilia 23. Running

Obraz: 1.78
Czas trwania: 780 min
Dźwięk: English 5.1, Commentary
Napisy: brak polskich, English
Polska wersja językowa: brak polskiej wersji
Dodatki: commentary, trailer
Region: 2 (Europa, Polska)
Ilość dysków: 6
ITEMID: 328 # UNID: PHE1269 # EXTCODE: 501[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]71269 # CAT: 121[zasłonięte]4177 # TRAITPL1: # TRAITPL2: #

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product_id: 328; product_code: PHE1269; product_code_producer: ; product_sizecode: 501[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]71269;
Aukcja stworzona 2<span class=hidden_cl>[zasłonięte]</span>011-12 16:44:46 przez sklep oparty na systemie IAI-Shop.