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The Golden Age of Singing VOLUME FOUR 1[zasłonięte]930-19

09-06-2012, 10:22
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VOLUME FOUR - 1[zasłonięte]930-19
 Nośnik  Wydawca Cena   Waluta
 CD2  Nimbus Records 39   PLN  
  Opis albumu
This is the fourth and final release of the series, encompassing the period between 1930 and 1950. Incorporating synopses of each operatic scene from the various arias, it provides comprehensive and insightful information which the opera lover, both anthusiast ans specialist, can enjoy.
Disc 1
1 Conchita Supervia (1[zasłonięte]895-19)
CARMEN, Bizet, Les tringles des sistres tintaient (Chanson boh?me) 3.27
Rec: 1930 Matrix: XXP 7099-2 Odeon Cat: 123714

2 Maria Gay (1[zasłonięte]879-19)
CARMEN, Bizet, Jamais Carmen ne cédera (Sung in Italian) 4.26
Rec: 1930 Matrix: CVE 59805-2 Victor Cat: 7314

3 Aureliano Pertile (1[zasłonięte]885-19)
LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR, Donizetti, Sulla tomba che rinserra ... Verrano a te sull'aure 7.49
Rec: 22 Oct 1930 Matrix: CF3543-2/3548-5 HMV Cat: DB 1481

4 Maz Lorenz (1[zasłonięte]901-19)
DIE MEISTERSINGER VON NÜRNBERG, Wagner, Am stillen Herd 4.12
Rec: 1930 Matrix: 2RA 2988-1 HMV Cat: DB 4547

5 Lauritz Melchior (1[zasłonięte]890-19)
OTELLO, Verdi, Dio mi potevi (Sung in German) 4.57
Rec: 1930 Matrix: CR 2509 HMV Cat: D 2037

6 Franz Völker
RIENZI, Wagner, Allmächt'ger Vater, blick' herab 4.45
Rec: 1930 Matrix: 940 BI-1 DGG Cat: 67100 B

7 Maria Ivogün
ARIADNE AUF NAXOS, R. Strauss, Grossmächtige Prinzessin 9.04
Rec: May 1931 Matrix:[zasłonięte]20391/20392-4 HMV Cat: DB 4405

8 Julius Patzak (1[zasłonięte]898-19)
COSI FAN TUTTI, Mozart, Un' aura amorosa (Sung in German) 4.21
Rec: 1931 Matrix: 1118 BI-1 Polydor Cat: 95437

9 Alexander Kipnis (1[zasłonięte]891-19)
DER ROSENKAVALIER, R. Strauss, Herr Kavalier (Letter Scene and Waltz) 4.47
Rec: August 1931 Matrix: 2D 213 HMV Cat: DB 1543

10 Salvatore Baccaloni (1[zasłonięte]900-19)
L'ELISIR D'AMORE, Donizetti, Udite, udite, o rustici 3.54
Rec: c.1932 Matrix: WBX 776 Columbia Cat: CQX16451

11 Maria Cebotari (1[zasłonięte]910-19)
LA BOH?ME, Puccini, Si, mi chiamano Mim? ... O soave fanciulla (Sung in German) 8.08
Rec: November 1932 Matrix: 2D 1302-1/2D 1302-1 HMV Cat: DB 4415

12 Eidé Norena (1[zasłonięte]884-19)
TURANDOT, Puccini, Tanto amore segreto 2.26
Rec: October 1932 Matrix: OPG 72-1 Disque Gramaphone Cat: DA 4832

13 Beniamino Gigli (1[zasłonięte]890-19)
L'ELISIR D'AMORE, Donizetti, Quanto é bella, quanto é cara 4.31
Rec: 10 April 1925 Matrix: BVE 32500 HMV Cat: DA 797

14 Lotte Lehmann (1[zasłonięte]888-19)
DER ROSENKAVALIER, R. Strauss, Marie Theres' 4.19
Rec: September 1933 Matrix: 2WX 586-2 HMV Cat: DB 2071

15 Giacomo Lauri-Volpi (1[zasłonięte]892-19)
MANON LESCAUT, Puccini, Ah! non v'avvicinate...No! pazzo son 3.11
Rec: 30 May 1934 Matrix: OW 2539-2 HMV Cat: DA 1385

16 Tiana Lemnitz (1[zasłonięte]897-19)
TANNHÄUSER, Wagner, Dich, teure Halle 3.24
Rec: 1934 Matrix: 472 GS DGG Cat: 15079 A

Disc Two
1 Lawrence Tibbett (1[zasłonięte]896-19)
FAUST, Gounod, O sainte medaille...Avant de quitter ces lieux 4.46
Rec: 20 April 1934 Matrix: CS 82331-1 Victor Cat: 8452

2 Claudia Muzio (1[zasłonięte]889-19)
LA BOHÉME, Puccini, Donde lieta usci 3.04
Rec: 4 June 1935 Matrix: B 6958 Columbia Cat: LB 40

3 Marian Anderson (1[zasłonięte]897-19)
L'ALLEGRO, IL PENSEROSO ED IL MODERATO, Handel, 'Siciliana' (Sung in German) 3.29
Rec: 4 April 1936 Matrix: OLA 1016-2 HMV Cat: DA 1529

4 Georges Thill (1[zasłonięte]897-19)
MANON, Massenet, Ah! fuyez douce image 4.44
Rec: c.1936 Matrix: CLX 1933-1 Columbia Cat: LFX 478

5 Jussi Björling (1[zasłonięte]911-19)
L'AFRICANA, Meyerbeer, O Paradiso 3.23
Rec: 4 September 1937 Matrix: 2SB 573-2 HMV Cat: DB 3302

6 Mafalda Favero (1[zasłonięte]905-19)
MANON LESCAUT, Puccini, In quelle trine morbide 2.21
Rec: 1937 Matrix: OBA 1825 HMV Cat: DA 1563

7 Kirsten Flagstad (1[zasłonięte]895-19)
OBERON, Weber, Ozean, du Ungeheuer 8.16
Rec: 17 October 1937 Matrix: 2A 013077/8 Victor Cat: 15244-A/B

8 Gerhard Hüsch (1[zasłonięte]901-19)
DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE, Mozart, Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja 2.56
Rec: November 1937 Matrix: 2RA 2420-2 HMV Cat: DB 3467

9 Tito Schipa (1[zasłonięte]889-19)
L'AMICO FRITZ, Mascagni, Suzel, buon dí 9.15
Rec: 1937 Matrix: 2BA1700/1 HMV Cat: DB 3067

10 Heinrich Schlusnus (1[zasłonięte]888-19)
IL TRAVATORE, Verdi, Il balen del suo sorriso (Sung in German) 3.12
Rec: 1937 Matrix: 200_GS 8 DGG Cat: 67362 B

11 Helge Roswaenge (1[zasłonięte]897-19)
FIDELIO, Beethoven, Gott, welch' Dunkel hier...In des Lebens Frühlingstagen 9.13
Rec: April 1938 Matrix: 2RA 2849-1/-1 Electrola Cat: DB 4522

12 Richard Tauber (1[zasłonięte]891-19)
DIE ENTFÜHRUNG AUS DEM SERAIL, Mozart, Constanze...O wie ängstlich 4.25
Rec: March 1938 Matrix: LCXE 8974 Odeon Cat: 0-9177

13 Erna Berger (1[zasłonięte]900-19)
DON PASQUALE, Donizetti, Tornami a dir (Sung in German) 3.00
Rec: 1939 Matrix: 1048-2 GS9 DGG Cat: 67536 A

14 John Charles Thomas (1[zasłonięte]891-19)
ANDREA CHÉNIER, Giordano, Nemico della patria 5.15
Rec: 19 August 1939 Matrix: PCS 036432-5 Victor Cat: 17639

15 Tito Gobbi (1[zasłonięte]913-19)
L'ARLESIANA, Cilea, Come due tizzi accesi 4.10
Rec: July 1942 Matrix: 2BA 5146-2 HMV Cat: DB 5400

16 Mariano Stabile (1[zasłonięte]888-19)
DON PASQUALE, Donizetti, Cheti, cheti, immantinente 6.20
Rec: 1947 Matrix: CAX 10252/53 Columbia Cat: LX 1094
Claudia Muzio, Alexander Kipnis, Kirsten Flagstad, Lauritz Melchior