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Na tej aukcji chcę zaproponować zakup angielskojęzycznej publikacji:
seria / serie: -
autor / author: Peter Benchley
wydanie / edition: 1982 BCA
format / size: 15,5 cm X 24 cm
okładka / cover: miękka / paperback
ilość stron / pages: 213
typ / type: używana / used
stan książki / condition of the book: dobry / good (małe rozdarcia na krawędzi obwoluty; "skrzydełka" obwoluty pożółkłe; )
Opis treści / summary:
Peter Benchley's fascination with the sea and its magnificent inhabitants inspired such classic novels as "Jaws" and "The Deep," making him the preeminent author of ocean adventure and suspense. "The""Girl of the Sea of Cortez" was his most heartfelt, cherished story of the relationship between man and the sea, both those that live in it and those who love it. On an island in the Gulf of California, an intrepid young woman named Paloma carries a special legacy from her father--a deep understanding of the sea and a sixth sense about the need to protect it. Every day, Paloma paddles her tiny boat into the ocean and anchors over a seamount--a submerged volcanic peak sixty feet underwater that is clustered with spectacular sea animals and a wondrous web of marine life. It is there that an astonishing event takes place, when on one of her dives Paloma is shadowed by a manta ray--an animal so large it blocks the sun. She develops an extraordinary relationship with this luminous, gentle creature, but instinctively knows its existence is a secret she must fiercely protect. Benchley's novel paints a poignant picture of humanity's precarious relationship with the ocean, which unfolds alongside a heartrending story of familial bonds, often revealing that the ignorance of man is far more dangerous than the sea. Full of beauty, danger, and adventure, "The Girl of the Sea of Cortez" is triumphant--a novel to fall in love with. Praise for "The Girl of the Sea of Cortez"
"It's hard not to compare Benchley's tale . . . with Hemingway's classic "The Old Man and the Sea.""--"The Christian Science Monitor" "Charming."--"The New York Times Book Review"
"For a hot summer's day, "The Girl of the Sea of Cortez" is the next best thing to looking through a clear face mask into blue water swimming with fish."--United Press International
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