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13-07-2015, 16:04
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Wyświetleń: 3   
Koniec: 13-07-2015 15:31:35

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Stan: Nowy
Opakowanie: w folii
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Wydanie oryginalne w idealnym stanie, nieużywane, zazwyczaj zafoliowane



UWAGA !!! Film nie posiada polskiej wersji językowej !!!

Tytuł oryginalny: THE FALL (DVD)







Informacje o produkcie:

Obsada: Catinca Untaru, Justine Waddell, Lee Pace, Kim Uylenbroek, Aiden Lithgow, Sean Gilder, Ronald France, Andrew Roussouw, Michael Huff, Grant Swanby, Emil Hostina, Robin Smith, Jeetu Verma, Leo Bill & Marcus Wesley
Reżyseria: Tarsem Singh

Format: DVD, PAL

Dźwięk: kataloński (Dolby Digital 5.1), angielski (Dolby Digital 5.1), baskijski (Dolby Digital 5.1), kastylijski (Dolby Digital 5.1)

Napisy: kastylijski

Region: Region 2

Format obrazu: 1.85: 1

Liczba płyt: 1

Ocena: Nie zalecane dla dzieci do lat 13

Badanie: Tripictures

Data wydania: 08 lipca 2009

Czas trwania: 113 minut




Product description:


Fantasy drama set in 1920s Los Angeles. A little girl called Alexandria (Catinca Untaru) is in hospital with a broken arm when the man in the bed adjacent to hers, injured Hollywood stuntman Roy Walker (Lee Pace), befriends her and begins to tell her a series of vivid, fantastical tales centred around five heroes - an Indian, an ex-slave named Ota Benga, an Italian explosives expert, a masked bandit, and Charles Darwin - all of whom unite to fight a common enemy, Governor Odious. As time goes by, fiction and reality start to intertwine, and the hospital staff begin to appear as characters in Roy's stories.

Filmed over a period of 4 years in 18 different countries, Tarsem's The Fall is an unforgettable movie experience. In 1920s Los Angeles, Alexandria (Catinca Untaru), a 5-year-old girl hospitalized from a fall, strikes up an unlikely friendship with Roy (Lee Pace, TV's Pushing Daisies), a Hollywood stuntman shattered by a near-fatal movie set accident and his lover's betrayal. To pass the time, he tells Alexandria the epic story of Governor Odious and the 5 remarkable heroes determined to defeat him - a dazzling world of magic and myth. Only when the line between reality and fantasy begins to dissolve does Alexandria realize how much is truly at stake Presented by David Fincher (Fight Club) and Spike Jonze (Adaptation), The Fall is an awe-inspiring, cinematic tour de force.







Descripción del producto

Los Ángeles, son los años 20; una pequeña niña inmigrante está en un hospital recuperándose de una caída y entabla amistad con un enfermo postrado en cama que la cautiva con una historia maravillosa que la lleva más allá del abatimiento del hospital a exóticos parajes de la imaginación. Para asegurarse de que mantiene a la niña interesada en la historia, entremezcla elementos de su familia y de las personas del hospital a quienes les tiene afecto.