|  TITLE: The Easy Guide to OSCEs for Specialties: A Step-by-step Guide to OSCE Success (Masterpass) (MasterPass Series)... AUTHOR: Muhammed Akunjee, Syed Jalali and Shoaib Siddiqui PAGES & COVER: Miękka 432 stron ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]61925 Publisher: Radcliffe Publication Date: 2008 Book Condition: New Amongst medical students, clinical OSCEs in specialty subjects are notorious for being the most difficult to prepare for due to the paucity of any books dedicated to the subject. For this very reason, we have written The Easy Guide to OSCEs for Specialties to fill this void and ease the already burdensome workload of medical students. It has been compiled by recently qualified doctors who have experienced the new OSCE system first hand. The book has been written in a fresh style covering over 80 OSCE examination stations in a wide range of different subjects. &lsquo,This book is unique, covering medical specialties including Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Sexual Health, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Rheumatology, Orthopaedics, Emergency Medicine, Anaesthetics, Geriatrics and Palliative Care, as well as Patient Discharge and the all important Communications Skills. We have instilled time-saving, student friendly mnemonics, vibrant diagrams and extra clinical conditions to aid the revision process. We have also added end-of-OSCE station case summaries to simulate what information a student would be expected to glean and present to the examiners under exam conditions.&rsquo, ,Muhammad Akunjee, Syed Jalali and Shoaib Siddiqui in their Preface &lsquo,The Easy Guide to OSCEs for Specialties with its innovative approach, well-researched material and breadth of knowledge provides the student with a firm foundation to tackle the often difficult OSCE scenarios head on. There are vibrant illustrations, boxes of facts and differentials in addition to well thought out clinically relevant case summaries. The book also deals in depth with a wide range of difficult communication skill stations giving students an excellent framework to approach such scenarios in full confidence both under exam conditions and in real life. We are sure that this book will be rewarding for medical students and examiners alike. We believe that it is essential reading for any student wishing to excel in their exams with flair.&rsquo, Graham Boswell and Steve Riley in the Foreword | | W moim sklepie kupicie państwo najtańsze w Polsce książki w języku angielskim. Jeśli jesteście państwo zainteresowani jakąś pozycją, a nie posiadam jej aktualnie wystawionej - proszę o wiadomość - gwarantuję, że u mnie kupicie ją państwo najtaniej. Proszę obejrzeć moje aukcje WYSYŁKA DARMOWA JEŚLI ZNAJDZIECIE PAŃSTWO DANĄ POZYCJĘ TANIEJ U KOGOŚ NA ALLEGRO - PROSZĘ O INFORMACJĘ PRZED ZAKUPEM - U MNIE BĘDZIE JESZCZE TANIEJ ! DO KAŻDEJ PRZESYŁKI PACZKĄ POCZTOWĄ LUB KURIEREM DOŁĄCZAM DODATKOWĄ DARMOWĄ KSIĄŻKĘ O AKTUALNĄ LISTĘ DOSTĘPNYCH DARMOWYCH KSIAŻEK PROSZĘ PYTAĆ POPRZEZ FORMULARZ ALLEGRO LUB ZAJRZEĆ NA STRONĘ "O MNIE" | |