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The Diary of a Killer Cat - Anne Fine

19-02-2014, 15:26
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Koniec: 19-02-2014 15:25:30

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The Diary of a Killer Cat - Anne Fine

Rok wydania
Puffin Books
Stan ogólny
Bardzo dobry
Rodzaj okładki
Numer wydania
brak informacji
Liczba stron
18 x 11 cm
The Diary of a Killer Cat - Anne Fine

The Diary of a Killer Cat - Anne Fine

Okay, Okay. So hang me. I killed the bird. For pity's sake, I'm a cat.
Poor Ellie is horrified when Tuffy drags a dead bird into the house. Then a mouse. But Tuffy can't understand what all the fuss is about. 
Who on earth will be the next victim to arrive through the cat-flap? Can soft-hearted Ellie manage to get her beloved pet to change his wild, wild ways before he ends up in even deeper trouble?
The hilarious antics of Tuffy and his family as told by the killer cat himself. 


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