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The Destroyer Campbeltown Al Ross /SRL

21-06-2015, 12:20
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 39 zł     
Użytkownik silva-rerum_2006
numer aukcji: 5441736532
Miejscowość ŁÓDŹ
Wyświetleń: 5   
Koniec: 21-06-2015 11:57:17

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1990
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Al Ross

The Destroyer Campbeltown

Seria Anatomy of the Ship


Tom przedstawia niszczyciele klasy Campbeltown. Zawartość można podzielić na dwie części, opisowo-dokumentalną oraz techniczną (z rysunkami i szczegółami konstrukcji).


The destroyer Campbeltown is most famous for her part in the commando raid on the St Nazaire drydock in 1942. Built as the USS Buchanan (DD131)- and later renamed Campbelton - she was one of over 270 flush-decked destroyers put into service towards the end of World War I. When Britain appealed to America in 1940 for the transfer of fifty vessels for anti-submarine duty, Buchanan was one of the first 'gift horses' to be transferred.


The Anatomy of the Ship Series : This highly acclaimed series aims to provide the finest documentation of individual ships and ship types ever published. What makes the series unique is a complete set of superbly executed line drawings, both the conventional type of plan as well as explanatory perspective views. This is the first attempt to document a ship literally down to the nuts and bolts. These drawings are accurate, visually exciting and totally comprehensive, offering ship buffs, historians and modelmakers a novel insight into the technicalities of each ship type covered.

The destroyer Campbeltown is most famous for her part in the commando raid on the St Nazaire drydock in 1942. Built as the USS Buchanan and later renamed Campbeltown, she was one of over 270 flush-decked destroyers put into service towards the end of World War I. When Britain appealed to America in 1940 for the transfer of fifty vessels for anti-submarine duty, Buchanan was one of the first 'gift horses' to be transferred.

As part of the renowned Anatomy of the Ship series, this book provides the finest documentation of the Campbeltown, with a complete set of superb line drawings, supported by technical details and a record of the ship's service history. - See more at: http://www.bloomsbury.com/(X(1)A(50XbH4K2zAEkAAAAMTg3MDBmZDEtMjA5MS00MDBlLThhMjQtNDc0NmI5ZDk1ODlkELGC6eeU7hQhix_XwVyfiEds88w1))/uk/the-destroyer-campbeltown-978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]17799/#sthash.qiA2WRHp.dpuf
The destroyer Campbeltown is most famous for her part in the commando raid on the St Nazaire drydock in 1942. Built as the USS Buchanan and later renamed Campbeltown, she was one of over 270 flush-decked destroyers put into service towards the end of World War I. When Britain appealed to America in 1940 for the transfer of fifty vessels for anti-submarine duty, Buchanan was one of the first 'gift horses' to be transferred.

As part of the renowned Anatomy of the Ship series, this book provides the finest documentation of the Campbeltown, with a complete set of superb line drawings, supported by technical details and a record of the ship's service history. - See more at: http://www.bloomsbury.com/(X(1)A(50XbH4K2zAEkAAAAMTg3MDBmZDEtMjA5MS00MDBlLThhMjQtNDc0NmI5ZDk1ODlkELGC6eeU7hQhix_XwVyfiEds88w1))/uk/the-destroyer-campbeltown-978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]17799/#sthash.qiA2WRHp.dpuf
The destroyer Campbeltown is most famous for her part in the commando raid on the St Nazaire drydock in 1942. Built as the USS Buchanan and later renamed Campbeltown, she was one of over 270 flush-decked destroyers put into service towards the end of World War I. When Britain appealed to America in 1940 for the transfer of fifty vessels for anti-submarine duty, Buchanan was one of the first 'gift horses' to be transferred.

As part of the renowned Anatomy of the Ship series, this book provides the finest documentation of the Campbeltown, with a complete set of superb line drawings, supported by technical details and a record of the ship's service history. - See more at: http://www.bloomsbury.com/(X(1)A(50XbH4K2zAEkAAAAMTg3MDBmZDEtMjA5MS00MDBlLThhMjQtNDc0NmI5ZDk1ODlkELGC6eeU7hQhix_XwVyfiEds88w1))/uk/the-destroyer-campbeltown-978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]17799/#sthash.qiA2WRHp.dpuf



Zdjęcia przedmiotu

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Wydawca: Annapolis, Conway Maritime Press, 1990. Wydanie I
Liczba stron: 127, fotografie i rysunki w tekście; 25 x 26 cm.

Waga: 755g

Egzemplarz w stanie dobrym, podniszczona obwoluta, wewnątrz czysty




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Odbiór osobisty: Antykwariat Silva Rerum Łódź Piotrkowska 147

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Księgarnia - Antykwariat "Silva Rerum"
Łódź ul. Piotrkowska 147

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