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The Czar's General: The Memoirs of a Russian Gener

04-03-2012, 3:42
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Koniec: 08-03-2012 21:07:40

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The Czar's General: The Memoirs of a Russian General in the Napoleonic Wars (Hardcover) by Alexey Yermolov (Author), Alexander Mikaberidze (Translator)

  • Publisher: Ravenhall Books (26 Oct 2005)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10: 190[zasłonięte]3058
  • ISBN-13: 978-[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]50430
  • Product Dimensions: 23.4 x 16.2 x 2.8 cm
  • Synopsis
    Yermolov is a legend in Russia. A man who rose from obscurity to command armies and conquer provinces, he was the epitome of a military man of action. To his enemies he was a byword for brutality, but, to his homeland, a hero. His memoirs are as dramatic as his rise to fame and fortune. Disgraced and exiled by the mad Czar Paul he was brought back into service only to witness Russian defeat at the battle of Austerlitz in 1805. Honoured and advanced by his new patron, the dashing Czar Alexander, Yermolov then made rapid progress. He witnessed at firsthand Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 but went on to see revenge completed when the Russians marched into Paris in April 1814. When peace was declared in Europe, this hard and capable soldier was sent into the Caucasus to conquer Chechnya, sparking Russia's long and complex struggle to govern this unstable region. Yermolov was a talented general who captured the spirit of his times in his brilliant and engaging memoirs. His acidic wit, acute powers of observation and grasp of drama make this book standout as a unique source on the wars which defeated Napoleon and made Russia a superpower. Alexander Mikaberidze is a leading expert on early nineteenth-century Russian history.

Książka jest nowa jedno z najlepszych źródeł rosyjskich, jakże licznych i mało wykorzystywanych!!!