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The Compleat Beatles - Beatles VHS KONCERT

27-02-2012, 16:32
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 24.99 zł     
Użytkownik Ikar10
numer aukcji: 2083930449
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 21   
Koniec: 06-02-2012 13:25:19

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Licencja do wypożyczania: nie
Region producenta filmu: Ameryka Północna
Czas premiery: lata 70
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The Compleat Beatles, released in 1982, is a two-hour documentary, chronicling the career of the "Fab Four".[1] Though it has since been supplanted by the longer and more in-depth documentary Beatles AnthologyThe Compleat Beatles was for many years largely regarded as the definitive film about the Beatles.

Narrated by Malcolm McDowell, it includes extensive interviews with a number of sources close to the Beatles. Some of the people interviewed are producer George Martin, their first manager Allan WilliamsCavern Club DJ Bob Wooler, music writer Bill Harry, and musicians Gerry MarsdenBilly J. KramerMarianne FaithfullBilly Preston, and Tony Sheridan. It also includes archival footage of interviews with members of The Beatles and their manager Brian Epstein. The film also includes early concert footage, behind-the-scenes background on the making of their albums, and candid footage of their often obsessed, hysterical fans.

Directed by Patrick Montgomery,[2] the film was produced by Delilah Films and released by MGM/UA. It enjoyed a brief theatrical release in 1984.









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