It is commonplace to assume that the
twentieth-century British economy has failed, falling
from the world's richest industrial country in 1900 to
one of the poorest nations of Western Europe in 2000.
Manufacturing is inevitably the centre of this failure:
British industrial managers cannot organise the
proverbial 'knees-up' in a brewery; British workers are
idle and greedy; its financial system is uniquely geared
to the short term interests of the City rather than of
manufacturing; its economic policies areperverse for
industry; and its culture is fundamentally
anti-industrial. There is a grain of truth in each of
these statements, but only a grain. In this book, Alan
Booth notes that Britain's living standards have
definitely been overtaken, but evidence that Britain has
fallen continuously further and further behindits major
competitors is thin indeed. Although British
manufacturing has been much criticised, it has performed
comparatively better than the service sector. The
British Economy in the Twentieth Century combines
narrative with a conceptual and analytic approach to
review British economic performance during the twentieth
century in a controlled comparative framework. It looks
at key themes, including economic growth and welfare,
the working of the labour market, and the performance of
entrepreneurs and managers. Alan Booth argues that a
careful, balanced assessment (which must embrace the
whole century rather than simply the post-war years)
does not support the loud and persistent case for
systematic failure in British management, labour,
institutions, culture and economic policy. Relative
decline has been much more modest, patchy and inevitable
than commonly believed. |