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24-01-2012, 12:36
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Miejscowość Warszawa
Licytowało: 2    Wyświetleń: 27   
Koniec: 18-01-2012 18:41:30

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: bez folii
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1. Biting Glass
2. Tell Your Friends
3. Use Your Other Head
4. She Sells Sea Shells
5. I Dreamt A Metal Hat
6. Join Me On My Cloud
7. Stars
8. Chariot Song
9. On Opening The Curtains...
10. Things That Roar
11. I Used To Work At The Zoo
12. Such A Bloody Pain






The Beep Seals were formed in 2006 by Alfie guitarist Ian Smith, Jack Cooper, Phil Anderson and Milo Scaglioni. They began working on demos after touring with Jim Noir in support of his Tower of Love album as his backing band.[1] In October 2006, the band played their first gig (a tribute to the recently deceased Syd Barrett) drafting in drummer Jay Sikora. Milo Scaglioni left in 2007, and in 2008 joined a band from his native Italy, Jennifer Gentle[2] Before the recording of the band's debut album, former Alfie bassist Sam Morris joined the band.[3]

In April 2007, the Beep Seals recorded their first single, "Tell Your Friends" / "I Used To Work At The Zoo", which was released on vinyl via Kings & Creature Recordings.[4] After their second release on London's Heron Recordings, "Stars" / "Chariot Song", the band began work on their debut album, Things That Roar which was released in the UK on Heron Recordings and in Japan on Kurofune Records.

In support of Things That Roar, The Beep Seals supported and toured with Jarvis CockerDead MeadowTeenage FanclubThe FallThe Ting TingsBritish Sea PowerVetiverCamera Obscura and Acid Mothers Temple.





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