Klub Baby-Sitters (oryg. The Baby-Sitters Club), to seria książeczek dla dziewcząt w wieku ok. 13 lat, autorstwa Ann M. Martin. Książki powstają regularnie od 1986 roku i w samej tylko "oryginalnej" serii powstało ich zdecydowanie ponad 100 tomów. Oprócz wspomnianej serii "pierwotnej" autorka stworzyła kilka kolejnych (spin-offów).Książki opowiadają o perypetiach kilku młodych Amerykanek, dorabiających jako opiekunki do dzieci. W Polsce ukazało się zaledwie pięć tomów :
The Baby-sitters Club (BSC) is a series of novels written by Ann M. Martin and published by Scholastic between 1986 and 2000, that sold 170 milllon copies.[1] Many of the novels were ghostwritten, including 43 by Peter Lerangis.[2]However, Ann M. Martin wrote the first 35 novels.[2]
The series is about a group of middle school students living in the fictional town of Stoneybrook, Connecticut. They run a business called the Baby-sitters Club that helps parents find babysitters from the club who are available for jobs by calling during their club meetings. The club starts out with four members (Kristy Thomas, Mary Anne Spier, Claudia Kishi, and Stacey McGill), eventually expanding to ten. Most of the main characters are thirteen years old. When the club was founded (in 1986), the four members were in the seventh grade, but ten novels later (1988), they are promoted to the eighth grade. From there, they are frozen in time until the very end of the series (2000), in which they graduate from middle school.
Książka po angielsku!!!