The Advanced iOS 6 Developer’s Cookbook
brings together reliable, proven solutions for
cutting-edge iOS 6 development. World-renowned iOS
expert Erica Sadun covers device-specific development,
document/data sharing, Core Text, networking, image
processing, onboard cameras, audio, Address Book, Core
Location, GameKit,StoreKit, push notifications, and
As in her previous bestselling iOS
books, Sadun translates today’s development best
practices into working code, distilling key concepts
into concise recipes that are easy to understand and
transfer into your own projects. This isn’t just cut and
paste. Using her examples, Sadun fully explains both the
“how” and “why” of advanced and specialized iOS 6
All code is tested with iOS 6
features and iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch capabilities.
Throughout, every chapter groups related tasks together,
so you can jump straight to your solution without having
to identify the right class or framework first. Coverage
- Testing device properties so your app can take
full advantage of the iOS unit it’s running on
- Seamlessly sharing documents and data across apps
and moving control between apps
- Presenting exceptionally attractive text with
freeform text typesetting
- Building touch-based apps that leverage Bezier
curves, splines, and other geometric tools
- Securing network apps via authentication, system
keychains, and OAuth
- Accessing and processing image data to create
special effects
- Integrating live camera feeds and user snapshots
- Presenting audio to users and enabling them to
interact with it
- Effectively using Address Book frameworks and GUI
- Building advanced location apps with Core Location
geopositioning and MapKit
- Creating connected game play with GameKit/Game
Center: device-to-device networking, shared
leaderboards, and Internet-based matches
- Integrating secure in-app purchasing with StoreKit
- Communicating with users from web-based services
via push notifications