The 24-Gun Frigate Pandora Anatomy of the Ship
John McKay, Ron Coleman Hardcover: 128 pagesConway 2010 lub starsze wydanieLanguage: EnglishISBN-10: 085[zasłonięte]8941ISBN-13: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]17789
The Pandora was a 24gun Sixth Rate built at Deptford in 1779. The 20 and 24gun classes were the smallest regularly commanded by a Post Captain and they were consequently known as post ships; they were also the smallest frigate--built ships on the Navy List. The Pandora is best known for her voyage to Tahiti which was undertaken to bring back the Bounty mutineers. Fourteen of them were captured at Tahiti but four of them were drowned when Pandora ran aground on 29 August 1791 on the Great Barrier Reef on her return journey. The surviving ten were eventually brought back to Portsmouth and court-martialed. Three of them were hung. The site of the wreck was discovered and has been extensively excavated by a team led by Ron Coleman.
The 'Anatomy of the Ship' series aims to provide the finest documentation of individual ships and ship types ever published. What makes the series unique is a complete set of superbly executed line drawings, both the conventional type of plan as well as explanatory views, with fully descriptive keys. These are supported by technical details and a record of the ship's service history.
John McKay is an architectural draughtsman who lives in Vancouver on the Pacific coast of Canada. He is also a ship enthusiast and model-maker who has turned his professional skill to good use in the service of his hobby. Ron Coleman is Curator of Maritime History and Archaeology at the Queensland Museum in Brisbane, Australia. He oversaw several seasons' excavation on the wreck site of the Pandora.