Texas is unique, not only becouse it is only state to enter the Union by way of treaty, but becouse a clause in that treaty gives Texas the right, in perpetuity, to divide into as many as five separate states. These " Five States of Texas " reflect the remarklable geographic variety of this vast landscape. From plains and mountains, beaches and desert, forest and rugged canyons, the Texas terrains is diverse as its many-dacted culture.
With engaging intimacy, the images of Laurence Parent reveal this diversity of life and terrain in TEXAS, the newest wolume of glorious photographs that explore the Lone Star State. Around the world, the name Texas conjures legendary images. Here you will see the compelling splendor of the Trans-Pecos region, the unparalleled variety of the world's largest gulf. the grandeur of the East Texas woods, and the vastness of the northern prairies. You will se skylines of worls-class cities, oil rigs, and cowboys, which are as much a part of the state's fame as are longhorn steers and ten gallon hats. This fascinating visual tour is a tribute to the inimitable Texas spirit and its Texas-size sense of pride.
Laurence Parent is a succesful freelance photographer whose work appears in many publications, inculidng Natural History, National Geographic Traveler, Texas Monthly, Outside, and Sierra. Among the fifteen books he phographed are several on various topics regarding Texas.
Accompanying the awe-inspiring photographs of Texas is a sparkling and informative text by Texas author Elmer Kelton, whose words conjure mental pictures as stunning as the photograps. Kelton has authored numerous novels, including The Good Old Boys, which has been made into a T.V. movie starring Tommy Lee Jones.
TEXAS comines oustanding images with fascinating essay to depict the history and contemporary aspects that make the state what it is today.