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19-01-2015, 12:57
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 17 zł     
Użytkownik napirek
numer aukcji: 4917665790
Miejscowość Mosina
Wyświetleń: 10   
Koniec: 19-01-2015 12:40:22

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
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+ Dopłata 1,50 zł za każdą zakupioną książkę nr 2-6

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Proszę o zapoznanie się z zasadami obowiązującymi w moim sklepie na stronie "o mnie"


Oprawa: miękka

Stron: 494

 Stan: bdb


'Trousers. That's the secret...Put on trousers and the world changes. We walk different. We act different. I see these girls and I think: idiots! Get yourself some trousers!'

Women belong in the kitchen - everyone knows that. Not in jobs, pubs or indeed trousers, and certainly not on the front line. Polly Perks has to become a boy in a hurry if she wants to find her brother in the army. Cutting off her hair and wearing the trousers is easy. Learning to fart and belch in public and walk like an ape takes more time. And there’s a war on. There's always a war on. Polly and her fellow raw recruits are suddenly in the thick of it.

All they have on their side is the most artful sergeant in the army and a vampire with a lust for coffee. Well . . . they have the Secret. And it’s time to make a stand.


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