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Terminator Genisys - The War Against the Machines

21-06-2015, 15:24
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 370 zł     
Użytkownik StrategiaCG
numer aukcji: 5442334219
Miejscowość ŁÓDŹ
Wyświetleń: 40   
Koniec: 21-06-2015 15:07:20

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Stan: Nowy
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1. Do każdego zakupionego produktu dołączony jest paragon lub faktura.

2. Wylicytowany towar jest wysyłany w ciągu 24 godzin od zaksięgowania pieniędzy na koncie.

3. Istnieje możliwość odbioru osobistego po wcześniejszym ustaleniu miejsca i terminu.

4. NIE ODWOŁUJEMY OFERT! Zastanów się dobrze zanim coś kupisz!

4. NIE wysyłamy przedmiotów za POBRANIEM!!!


Maratońska 24/32
hala 2 boks 42

Godziny Otwarcia:

pon. - piątek 10 - 18
sobota: 10 - 15


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Terminator Genisys - The War Against the Machines




Gra figurkowa w świecie filmowego Terminatora.


Zestaw zawiera 32 plastikowe modele w tym jeden metalowy model Kyle Reese.


Terminator Genisys: The War Against the Machines features 31 stunning plastic miniatures designed to be ready for action in minutes. No glue is required, thanks to their push-fit design, and they come in two clear different plastic colour (metallic grey for the Terminators and army green for the Resistance) to make sure you recognise your forces easily amidst the fog of war.

As a bonus, The War Against the Machines includes a superbly sculpted metal Kyle Reese character to join the Resistance fighters, providing them with special command abilities and heroic traits, Kyle Reese is a perfect to lead the brave Resistance soldiers against the endoskeletons.

Terminator Genisys: The War Against the Machines includes a 128 pages rulebook that allows you to explore every game possibility; starting from the contents of the box but allowing you to expand with the upcoming range of heroes, commanders, troop types and vehicles expected during the year ahead. We will keep you well informed about all these new exciting releases.

While you can play on your regular gaming table, we have included a 2’x3′ double-sided gaming mat, cardboard measuring templates and a set of cardboard terrain to make it a game truly ready out of the box, so you’ll be up and running in no time at all.

Finally, the unique dice game system invites you to play without the need of modifiers or tables and the chaotic “Fate activation system” ensure you’re always involved in the action.



  • Full-colour rulebook: 128 pages
  • Exclusive metal Kyle Reese model (brings special abilities, command options and heroic feats)
  • 10 Terminator Endoskeletons (Two different posses, advancing and… relentlessly advancing!)
  • 5 Terminator Crawlers (You thought the ENDO was done?!)
  • 16 Resistance Soldiers (with a selection of weapons from missile launchers to plasma rifles!)
  • Quickstart rules: 16 pages
  • 2 punchboards: Includes all the scenery, tokens and gaming aids needed to play!
  • 1 full colour double-sided 2’x3′ gaming mat
  • 1 full-colour double-sided rules reference sheet
  • 13 colour-coded dice: 2 sets of D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20
  • 1 custom made metal colour Fate die