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Ted Sirota Rebel Souls VS THE FORCES OF EVIL Naim

25-09-2014, 21:28
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Koniec: 25-09-2014 20:43:42

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Ted Sirota's Rebel Souls
vs. the forces of evil
Nośnik Wydawca Cena Waluta
CD1 NAIM Records 44
Opis albumu

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This third recording for The Naim Label was recorded during the last week of May 2000. Those who enjoyed the first two cds should really dig this one. Why? Because it’s completely burning- that’s why!

Geoff Bradfield has joined the band since the last recording, and besides contributing three superbad compositions he also adds his brilliant tenor, alto and bass clarinet playing. The remainder of the line up is the same as “Propaganda”- Rob Mazurek, Kevin Kizer, Jeff Parker and Noel Kupersmith.

"Sirota’s band may be rebel souls, but they have big hearts too" - Downbeat

"Here’s a smart forward thinking band that knows how to swing" - All About Jazz

"Sirota plays with an effortless touch...very convincing" - Jazz Times
1. Grendel 8:43 >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
2. Tight Rope 6:00 >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
3. You Know me 5:22 >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
4. Tubby 7:14
5. Dig to China 3:09
6. Becky's Bash 8:00
7. Impengu dek Bengikai 5:58
8. Wonder 7:56
Total Time: 52:25
Dodatkowe informacje
Recorded 30, 31 May and 1 June 2000 by Ken Christianson, Pro Musica, Chicago at Union Church, Hinsdale, IL
Kevin Kizer - tenor saxophone, clarinet
Rob Mazurek - cornet
Jeff Parker - guitar
Noel Kupersmith - bass
Ted Sirota - drums
Geof Bradfield - tenor and alto saxophone, bass clarinet

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Ted Sirota Rebel Souls VS THE FORCES OF EVIL Naim