TANITA BC-1500 IRONMAN - jeden z wyższych modeli analizatorów przeznaczonych dla sportowców model nieosiągalny na rynku europejskim
z tego również powodu ciężko nabyć ww model analizatora a cena nowego to około 633$ (2 350,00 zł.). Osobiście według mnie (a miałem kilkanaście
analizatorów) najlepsze urządzenie w swojej klasie dokonujące analizy zarówno rąk jak i nóg, w zestawie pełny komplet analizator plus klucz do komputera
oraz świetne oprogramowanie Healthy Edge L. Analizator (aukcja nie obejmuje dodatkowego wyświetlacza) w doskonałym stanie technicznym jak i wizualnym,
sprzedaję tylko i wyłącznie z racji kontuzji która wykluczyła mnie na kilka lat z uprawiania sportu. Preferowany odbiór osobisty - zdecydowanie polecam .
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New From Tanita!
Tanita Ironman® Radio Wireless Segmental Body Composition Monitor
Body composition monitoring is an essential tool for precisely measuring your body's inner health. Tanita's new FDA Cleared
BC-1500 Ironman Radio Wireless Segmental Body Composition Monitor communicates using ANT+™ radio wireless technology, providing
in-depth information about your body. This information allows you to accurately monitor the impact of your diet and fitness program.
The BC-1500 platform is designed to connect to your personal computer running FREE TANITA Healthy Edge™ Lite Software(up to 8 users)
(included) upgrade to Healthy Edge Plus for unlimited users. and other compatible software, using ANT+ protocol to record, graph,
and analyze your readings on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis. You can also use the BC-1500 with an iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch
with the optional Tanita Wi-Fi Network Adapter.
Tanita's BC-1500 Ironman Radio Wireless Segmental Body Composition Monitor gives you more information than our standard body composition
monitors. This unique product gives individual body composition readings for each body segment: trunk, right arm, left arm, right leg and
left leg. The BC-1500 is especially useful for anyone who is monitoring the balance of left and right side of body or trying to build
or rehabilitate a particular part of one's body. The BC-1500 uses eight electrodes, four innovative retractable handgrip electrodes,
along with four standard feet electrodes.
In just seconds, this at-home health monitor can display a complete body composition profile, including weight, body fat % (total and segmental),
body water %, muscle mass (total and segmental), physique rating, BMR, DCI, metabolic age, bone mass, and visceral fat. And, when using the
FREE TANITA Healthy Edge™ Lite Software(up to 8 users)(included) upgrade to Healthy Edge Plus for unlimited users, you will also get BMI
and other important readings automatically calculated and saved for tracking and analyzing.
When using the Garmin FR60, FR70, Forerunner 310XT, 910XT, Forerunner 210 & 610 Fitness Watches or the Garmin Edge 800/810 and their
wireless technology, the readings of weight, body fat and body water are wirelessly displayed on the watch, while all nine readings
are stored in the watch. When in range of a consumer's computer, the information is automatically transmitted to the computer using
the wireless USB Stick and captured with Tanita's FREE TANITA Healthy Edge™ Lite Software(up to 8 users)(included) upgrade to Healthy
Edge Plus for unlimited users and Tanita free widget for Mac.
The BC-1500 comes bundled with an ANT+™ USB Adapter and FREE TANITA Healthy Edge™ Lite Software(up to 8 users)(included) upgrade to
Healthy Edge Plus for unlimited users.
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