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TANGO CRASH - Otra Sanata

29-02-2012, 12:27
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Koniec: 31-01-2012 18:18:08

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: w folii
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TANGO CRASH - Otra Sanata
Płyta oryginalna, digipak, wydana w 2005 roku przez wytwórnie Galileo Music

Chatter, humbuggery and the ability to improvise in every moment are the basic tools for a typical Sanatero (Crook) from Buenos Aires. Daniel Almada and Martin Iannaccone worked in a very humorous way some typical characteristics of the argentinian way of life in the concept of their second CD „Otra Sanata“ that was recorded with all the musicians that since their first CD became part of the inner circle of Tango Crash.

The title song „Otra Sanata“ for example shows in an ironic way the martyred soul of the Sanatero after having failed in his latest Sanata (chatter, humbuggery) and „Evitalos“ (impede them) leads the idle talk of the argentinian politicians in a jazzy rocking context. In the same way as the Porteños, as the inhabitants of Buenos Aires are called, mind to become precise, the band is working in its creative process, as ideas are only insinuated and meant to be absorbed and completed by the other members of the band.



--Zawartość --

1 Balbon
2 Otra Sanata
3 Ojos Negros
4 Milonga Parque Aguirre
5 Muneca Fallada
6 Lightning Rod Tango
7 Desintegrados
8 Tension Eterna
9 La Ultima Curva
10 Evitalos
11 El Balero de Daniel
12 Milonga para Alberto (Remix)