SYRIA - Przewodnik po dziejach i zabytkach ORIENT Arabia
Str. 178; Język angielski
Damascus 1989
An Incomparable Role in History 3
How to get to Syria 14
Entry and Exit procedures 15
Customs and Excise 16
Accommodation in Syria 18
General Information 20
Artistic and Cultural Events 29
Syria Today 36
A Land of Diversity 41
Administrative Regions 49
Southern Provinces: (The city of Damascus, 0
The Damascus Province, Sweida, Dara’a, Qunetra) 5S
Damascus 56
Landmarks of Old Damascus 58
The wall and Gates of Damascus 58
The Omayyad Mosque 62
The Azem Palace 67
The Damascus Citadel 69
The Souqs 70
St Paul’s church 76
Landmarks of the new city 77
The National Museum 78
al-Takieh al Suleimaniyeh 80
Damascus Countryside and Environs 83
Ma’lula 84
Seydnaya 84
Zabadani 87
Important sites in Southern Provinces 91
Bosra 92
Shahba 94
Salkhad 95
Tel Shehab 96
Qanawat 96
Sweida 98
West and Central Provinces 101
Horns 102
Palmyra 104
Hama 110
Apamea & citadel of Mudiq and Shizar 113
The Syrian Coast 115
Latakia 116
Banyas 118
Tartus 118
Arwad 120
Summer Resorts and Historical Spots 123
Slenfeh - Kasab 123
Salrna, Draykish, Misyaf 124
Wadi al-Oyyun - Safita - Hosn Sleiman - Arima 125
Qal’at yahmour 127
Qal’at al-Hosn 129
Qal’at Salah al-Din 129
al-Marqab Citadel 135
Northern and Eastern Provinces 137
Aleppo 138
Aleppo Citadel 140
Oal’at Sam’an “Saint Simon” 147
The church of QaIb Lauzi 151
Ebla “Tel Mardikh” 151
Rasafeh 153
Qasr al-Hir al-Gharbi 154
Qasr al-Hir al-Sharqi 155
Raqqa 156
Al Thawra “Tabaqa” 157
Deir al-Zor 159
Halabiya and Zalabiy 161
Museums in Syria 163
Official and Relegious Holidays in Syria 164
Location of Mineral Water and Sulfur springs 165
Distances Between Cities 174