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Sylvia Plath (Spoken Word) (The spoken Word)

06-02-2014, 0:40
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Koniec: 06-02-2014 00:41:12

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Sylvia Plath (Spoken Word) (The spoken Word)


Audio CD: 1 stron
Wydawca: The British Library Publishing Division (26 kwiecieńil 2010)
Język wydania: English
Wymiary: 14 x 12.7 cm
Autor/Producent: Gwyneth Paltrow

Her frank, confessional style of writing won her many fans around the world, and she remains very popular over forty years after her death. This new CD from British Library Publishing brings together BBC recordings from the British Library Sound Archive, and includes Plath discussing and reading from her work. A particular highlight is a 1961 recording of a BBC programme Plath recorded with her husband, Ted Hughes, where they talk about their marriage and what it means to live with your muse. Many of these recordings are published here for the first time.

Track listing
New Poetry: The Poet s Voice
1 Leaving Early
2 Candles
Two of a Kind: Poets in Partnership
3 Interview with Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes
4 Introduction to Mushrooms
5 Mushrooms (Plath)
6 Introduction to Pike
7 Pike (Hughes)
The Living Poet
8 Introduction
9 Introduction to The Disquieting Muses
10 The Disquieting Muses
11 Introduction to Spinster
12 Spinster
13 Introduction to Parliament Hill Fields
14 Parliament Hill Fields
15 Introduction to The Stones
16 The Stones
Live poetry reading at the Mermaid Theatre, London
17 Introducing Sylvia Plath
18 Introduction to Tulips
19 Tulips
The Poet s Voice
20 The Surgeon at 2 a.m.
What Made You Stay?
21 Surviving extracts from an interview with Sylvia Plath.
The Poet s Voice
22 Berck-Plage
New Comment
23 Sylvia Plath reviews an anthology 'Contemporary American Poetry' and reads extracts from the following poems:'Memories of West Street and Lepke' (Robert Lowell), 'There Is' (Louis Simpson), 'Sunday in Glastonbury' (Robert Bly), 'After Greece' (James Merrill), 'Miners' (James Wright), 'Flower Herding on Mount Monadnock' (Galway Kinnell)

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