SWORN TO DEFEND Autor: Carolyn Wheat Wydawnictwo: 1998 Liczba stron: 312 Stan książki: db /stempelek poprzedniego wlasciciela Jeśli WYSYŁKA: Koszt przesyłki 5,5zł. List polecony. Wysyłka max 48h od momentu zaksięgowania pieniędzy na koncie Jeśli ODBIÓR osobisty - Saska Kępa, ul. Afrykańska. UWAGA! ODBIORY OSOBISTE WYŁĄCZNIE PO UPRZEDNIEJ WPŁACIE NA KONTO. PROWADZĘ DZIAŁALNOŚC GOSPODARCZĄ, KORZYSTAM ZE ZWOLNIENIA Z KASY FISKALNEJ - WSZYSTKIE WPŁYWY Z AUKCJI MUSZA SIĘ ZNALEŹĆ NA MOIM FIRMOWYM KONCIE! NIE MOGĘ PRZYJĄĆ GOTÓWKI. Carolyn Wheat has been praised as "a strong, smart writer" (New York Times) and "a natural storyteller" (Kirkus Reviews). In Wheat's newest legal thriller, Brooklyn lawyer Cass Jameson finally has an innocent client. But she later finds out that Keith Jernigan is guilty of a crime far worse than the robbery she proved he didn't commit--he permanently disfigured his former girlfriend by throwing corrosive acid in her face. Cass receives information indicating that Keith's ex framed him in the robbery--and that Keith is out for revenge. Meanwhile, Cass is threatened by the husband of a woman she is representing in a divorce case, and she soon realizes she is in danger of losing her career--and possibly her life. In order to protect herself, Cass must investigate two people--the husband of her new client, and the man she had sworn to defend