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Paczkomaty InPost


Sustainable Tourism: A Global Perspective




Author: Rob Harris, Peter Williams, Tony Griffin
Language: English
Publisher: A Butterworth-Heinemann Title
Publication Date: 21 Oct 2002
Dimensions: 1.8 x 18.5 x 24.7 cm
Format: Paperback
Pages: 311
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: A75A6D9463



Sustainable Tourism is vital reading for anyone seeking to understand the complexities associated with sustainable tourism development, and how government and industry have responded to the challenges the concept poses.
The major areas addressed in this edited volume are:
* perspectives and issues associated with the concept of sustainable tourism development
* accreditation, education and interpretation, including specific examples such as Green Globe 21, the European Blue Flag Campaign and the WWF's PAN Parks Programme
* sustainable tourism case studies of tourist destination regions, natural areas and tourism enterprises drawn from Africa, Australia, the South Pacific, North America, South-east Asia and the Caribbean
An impressive international editorial team has combined to present in this text not only a variety of perspectives on sustainable tourism development, but also significant insights into barriers, challenges and current industry and government responses to it in various parts of the globe. 'Sustainable Tourism' will be a welcome addition to the libraries of tourism industry professionals, individuals involved in the management of natural areas; tourism policy makers; tourism academics; and students with an interest in the future sustainability of tourism and the industry that supports it.
Covers both conceptual issues and case studies
Unique global perspective with multinational contributor team
Accessible yet rigorous treatment of a vital issue




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