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Suspiria (Blu-ray)

07-03-2015, 13:21
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 192.99 zł     
Użytkownik linguashop_pl
numer aukcji: 5062263649
Miejscowość Gryfino
Wyświetleń: 2   
Koniec: 07-03-2015 13:05:12

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Region producenta filmu: Europa
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Suspiria (Blu-ray) 192.99 zł

  • Ilość płyt: 1
  • Data premiery: 2[zasłonięte]012-11
  • Aktorzy: Jessica Harper,Barbara Magnolfi,Udo Kier,Stefania Casini
  • Reżyser: Dario Argento
  • Napisy dla niesłyszących: Brak Polskiego,
  • Napisy: Brak Polskiego,
  • Audio: Brak Polskiego,Angielski
  • Obraz: 16:9 - 2.35:1
  • Studio: Nouveaux
  • Czas: 98 minut
  • Dubing: Brak Polskiego,


Outside of devoted cult audiences, many Americans have yet to discover the extremely stylish, relentlessly terrifying Italian horror genre, or the films of its talented virtuoso, Dario Argento. Suspiria, part one of a still-uncompleted trilogy (the luminously empty Inferno was the second), is considered his masterpiece by Argento devotees but also doubles as a perfect starting point for those unfamiliar with the director or his genre. The convoluted plot follows an American dancer (Jessica Harper) from her arrival at a European ballet school to her discovery that it's actually a witches coven; but, really, don't worry about that too much. Argento makes narrative subservient to technique, preferring instead to assault the senses and nervous system with mood, atmosphere, illusory gore, garish set production, a menacing camera, and perhaps the creepiest score ever created for a movie. It's essentially a series of effectively unsettling set pieces--a raging storm that Harper should have taken for an omen, and a blind man attacked by his own dog are just two examples--strung together on a skeleton structure. But once you've seen it, you'll never forget it. --Dave McCoy

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