" Stylelikeu," created by mother-daughter team Elisa
Goodkind and Lily Mandelbaum, goes way beyond the now
ubiquitous and static poses of street-fashion bloggers
"The Sartorialist, " "Face Hunter," and all the rest,
and instead, brings us into the homes--and more
importantly the closets--of the most stylish people on
the streets of New York, Los Angeles, London, and more.
Not interested in celebrities and the stylists who dress
them, Elisa and Lily have an uncanny knack for finding
and gaining the trust of people who march to the beat of
their own, very chic, drummer. Often spending up to
three hours with the most daring and original dressers
they can find, "Stylelikeu" photographs each fashionable
person in several different looks of the subject's
choosing. To probe deeper into each subject's personal
style, they conduct intimate interviews on their
ambitions, influences, and dreams, making each portrait
so much more than yet another street photograph. From
the most personal pieces in their subjects' wardrobes,
to the favorite books on their shelves, to the most
precious objects in their houses, "Stylelikeu" goes far
beyond mere appearances to showcase how creativity is
fostered and manifested by living in the most stylish
way of all: true to oneself. Trumpeted in the press for
Elisa and Lily's departure from the top-down nature of
mass-market fashion, where the editors of popular
fashion magazines tell consumers what is stylish,
"Stylelikeu" represents the vanguard of a new, DIY,
fashion-media paradigm. It is a bold and inspirational
experiment, documenting fashion at its source--the
individual. A few of the 1000+ comments left by fans of
the "Stylelikeu" website: "Was just talking about how he
NEEDED to be on this site. So amazing." "I find her
absolutely mesmerizing. She is so full of life and
charm. She has a wonderfully contagious spirit. She is
such an inspiration and I would love to be like her
someday." "I love that you guys feature such a diverse
group of people--all ages, races, sizes, budgets. It
shows how everyone can have style." "I don't have any
words to describe how amazing those two girls are! They
are the true inspiration for all the girls in this
entire universe!" |