George Knupffer
The Struggle for World Power
Second, revised edition
London 1963
Stron 264, format: 14x22 cm
Książka jest wycofana z dubletów, na stronie tytułowej nalepka od darczyńców. Stan bardzo dobry.
Now comes a Russian whose startling book, THE bTRUGGLE FOR THE WORLD POWER propounds a theory that Russia was a testing ground, a preliminary skirmish by outsiders who used his contry as a springboard for world power.
When you read this amazing exposure you will be better equipped to assess the present situation for yourself. This Is a book to buy, to borrow, to lend and, above all, to DISCUSS! "The Mirror", New Zealand, August, 1959.
This is a challenging book and Sir Charles Petrie rightly recommends it to all who wish "to be well-informed about international problems''.
The criticism of our financial system, the central assertion that banks by creating deposits ex nihi 1 o, deprive governments of thir right and duty to control the power to create credit, is familiar from the works of other monetary reformers. Here is more — a sincere, restrained attack on the usurious aspects of Western economics, (carefully distinguished from Capitalism) which give opportunity to that other materialist system, Communism.
"Commonwealth Digest and World Economic Review", London, July, 1960.
This is a delightful book. It is not merely an indictment of Communism. In no uncertain language it draws attention to the crushed, silent and oppressed people of Russia.
The Struggle for World Power gives light on many international problems, and a clear contribution to the question of money and credit.
This is a book to be read and studied. "Assisi", Dublin, March 1959.
In beautifully simple and lucid language, Mr. Knupffer leads the reader through the whole maze of Communism, Socialism, materialism, Capitalism, internationalism. He explains banking, economics, money and credit in a way that the ordinary reader may know what it is all about.
"The Garda Review", Dublin, February. 1959.
At the present time of obvious global crisis, when atomic war and universal godless slavery threaten all still free countries, it is absolutely essential that everyone should understand both the aims of the real, and not assumed, makers of the world policy, whicn is centrally guided, and the tecnnical methods by wnicn true power is ootained and held.
Only lew people really understand how the materialists on both sides of the Iron Curtain have obtained power during the past two or three centuries, and by what means they maintain and spread it. It is not suificientiy realized that capitalism, Socialism, Communism, materialism, and World-Government internationalism are interlinked in an organic whole, with much else also controlled by the same power.
Yet only if the given methods and aims will be exposed, and every person of average intelligence and education can easily understand the facts if they are truthfully presented, will it be possible to overcome the global conspiracy.
Furthermore, in addition to analysis and criticism, it is necessary to have at ones disposal, a correct and workable positive solution of the moral, political and economic problems which face us all. We must know the difference between true liberty and chaos, between real private property and free enterprise and "Capitalism", which is the system of the private creation of money out of nothing and its lending at interest, as well as the control and exploitation of business by usury and manipulation.
It is necessary to understand that the growing public and private debt structures of capitalism, the increasing and irresistible inflation und unemployment, and various political, social and economic crises, must lead very soon to a collapse of the system, with Socialist slavery, run by the present controllers of Capitalism, to follow as the political alternative to the financial power of the materialists.
As a part of the overall picture we must also understand the significance of the Russian revolution, imported into Russia from the West. We must understand that the salvation of the lands behind the Iron Curtain is essential to the protection of freedom everywhere, and that liberty can only be assured by a political counter-attack on Communism and its creators, and that flhat would assure victory without atomic war and suicide.
This book, for the first time, will give you a complete picture. It it absolutely essential that every intelligent and responsible person should read it without delay.
Foreword to the Second Edition ..................... 5
Chapter 1. The Three-Card Trick .................. 7
Chapter 2. Towards Widespread Power ............... 17
Chapter 3. Economic Roots of Power ............... 21
Chapter 4. The Political Consequences of Economic Power 31
Chapter 5. The Nature of Capitalism and Banking ...... 36
Chapter 6. The Nature of Socialism.................. 43
Chapter 7. Making Sure of Borrowers ............... 58
Chapter 8. Unemployment ........................ 65
Chapter 9. The Essence of Financial Capital............ 69
Chapter 10. The Solution of the Economic Problem ...... 79
Chapter 11. The Role of the Banks under a New Dispensation 88
Chapter 12. The Political Attack of the Usurers ......... 95
Chapter 13. The Foreign Policy of the Financiers ......... 112
Chapter 14. Some Historical Illustrations............... 121
Chapter 15. The True Russia ..................... 129
Chapter 16. Some Details about Russia ............... 141
Chapter 17. The Background of the Revolution ......... 151
Chapter 18. The "Case" against Russia ............... 158
Chapter 19. Policies which Mislead .................. 167
Chapter 20. Russia's Struggle with Communism ......... 175
Chapter 21. Allied Mistakes Towards Russia ............ 190
Chapter 22. The Motives of the World Struggle ......... 195
Chapter 23. The Plan of Counter-Attack ............... 202
Chapter 24. The Russian Emigres .................. 210
Chapter 25. Conclusions ........................... 230
Appendix .................................... 239