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Steven Moffat's
Doctor Who 2010: The Critical Fan's Guide to Matt
Smith's First Series
(unauthorized) |
DETAILS: Author: Steven
Cooper, Kevin Mahoney Language: English Publisher: Punked Books Publication Date:
20 Mar 2011 Dimensions:
20.3 x 1.2 x 12.7
cm Format: Paperback Pages: 224 Condition: NEW Product_ID: A95CC17293
At over 75,000 words, this is the most comprehensive
analysis of Doctor Who series 5 produced so far. Steven
Moffat's first series as showrunner for Doctor Who
deserves such a thorough examination, as it is arguably
the most intricate ever produced. Indeed, there were
many innovations in 2010, with the successful
introduction of the youngest Doctor ever (Matt Smith),
and the contentious redesign of both the Daleks and the
TARDIS. Steven Cooper and Kevin Mahoney discuss both
these developments and the complex plotting in depth,
drawing on their many years of Doctor Who knowledge.
Their aim has been to provide constructive criticism of
the 2010 series, giving praise where it is due while
also pointing out the less successful aspects of the
production. |
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