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Staying the Course: A Runner's Toughest Race

12-06-2014, 0:42
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Koniec: 12-06-2014 00:45:03

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Staying the Course: A Runner's Toughest Race 91,99 zł
  • Typ Okładki - Książka w miękkiej oprawie
  • Wydawnictwo - University of Minnesota Press
  • Ilość stron - 224
  • Rozmiar - 22.8 x 15.7 x 1.7 cm
  • Autor - Dick Beardsley,Maureen Anderson
  • Język książki - Angielski

For a brief moment in the early '80s Dick Beardsley became the most famous runner in the world-by losing a race. In the 1982 Boston Marathon, Beardsley finished two seconds behind Alberto Salazar in a contest often called one of the most memorable in marathon history, foiled by a motorcycle that cut him off near the end. It was the closest finish ever at the world's premier marathon, and both runners broke the course and the American records. Staying the Course recounts the stunning race that made him a celebrity and the difficult years that followed, including his recovery from a near-fatal farm accident, his subsequent addiction to painkillers, and a very public arrest for forging prescriptions. His story of overcoming extreme obstacles speaks to anyone who loves competition, who has survived catastrophe, or who has pursued a seemingly impossible goal. Honest and engaging, Beardsley recalls his rise from Minnesota small-town kid and mediocre runner to celebrated athlete. He gives an exhilarating description of the Boston race and its unexpected obstacles: he was accosted by a fan, sideswiped by a bus, hobbled by a charley horse, and derailed by a motorcycle cop. He also writes with great candor of his retirement from marathoning to run a dairy farm, the accidents that followed, his addiction, the humiliation of his arrest, and his struggle to sobriety. Never self-pitying, Staying the Course is inspirational, demonstrating just how much can be endured no matter how long and arduous the race-and the value of what is learned along the way. Dick Beardsley is a professional speaker, fishing guide, and radio announcer. He broke numerous marathon records, and still holds the records for Grandma's marathon in Duluth and the Napa Valley Marathon. Maureen Anderson is a writer and award-winning radio journalist. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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Staying the Course: A Runner's Toughest Race

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